Datumbox Machine Learning Framework v0.8.2 released

The Datumbox Framework v0.8.2 has been released! Download it now from GitHub or Maven Central Repository.

What is new?

The version 0.8.2 is a limited incremental release that focuses on resolving bugs and updating the dependencies of the framework. Here are the details:

  • Bug Fixes:
    • Resolved an issue on ShapiroWilk which led to the incorrect estimation of the p-value.
  • Dependencies:
    • Java: The framework is now compiled with Java 11.
    • Build Plugins: Updated Maven Compiler, Maven Javadoc, Maven Source, Maven JAR and Surefire to the latest stable version.
    • Libraries: Updated Commons CSV, SLF4J, LIBSVM and JUnit to the latest stable official versions.


You can now find on GitHub the code of Datumbox Framework v0.8.2, the updated Code Examples and the pre-trained Machine Learning models of Datumbox Zoo. I am looking forward to your comments and feedback.

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