Vegan Oven-Baked Carrot Hash Browns

These carrot hash browns are a fun, colourful twist on the classic potato patties, made with grated carrots instead of potatoes. And because they’re baked, not fried, they’re healthier too!

Hash browns are fried veggie patties traditionally prepared with only shredded potatoes which stick together thanks to their high starch content.

Some hash brown recipes, though, also include flour and eggs. The ingredients are worked into a dough, packed into a potato pancake, and fried — similar to an American corn fritter.

Our carrot hash recipe is a cross between these two versions: grated carrots alone don’t have enough starch to hold together into a patty, so we mixed them with just a little “fritter dough”.

And our dough has no eggs, just wholemeal flour and plant-based silken tofu. Plus, a good dose of spices like curry powder and cumin for colour and flavour!

So, simply combine all together, shape the vegan carrot patties on a tray with the help of a cookie cutter or pochette ring and bake.

Baking the carrot hash browns instead of frying helps you cut down on fats and save time and effort. Another way you can make crispy yet low-fat hash browns is by cooking the veggie patties in an air fryer!

These carrot hash browns are crispy outside and a little spongy inside, taste slightly sweet from the caramelised carrots and burst with spiced curry notes. Delicious!

And super healthy, too: one carrot hash comes with just 30 calories and 1.2 grams of fat! So, gather the ingredients, and let’s make these carrot fritters together.

And if you’re looking for more recipes that use grated carrots, check out this carrot avocado coleslaw, carrot oat balls, and carrot sesame casserole!


Grated Carrots 400 g
Silken Tofu 140 g
Wholemeal Flour 30 g
Curry Powder 1 tbsp
Cumin Powder 1/2 tsp
Salt 1/2 tsp
Chopped Fresh Parsley 3 tbsp
Vegetable Oil (for brushing) 1 tbsp

Step 1

Peel the carrots and trim off the ends.

Then, use the coarse-grating side of a box grater (the side with the largest holes) to grate the carrots into long shreds.

grated carrots

Step 2

Drain excess water from the silken tofu block and add it to a bowl.

Tip in the wholemeal flour, curry powder, cumin powder, and salt, and mix well.

The tofu mixture will be a little crumbly and dry at first, but keep whisking until it turns smoother and creamier.

You can also blitz the ingredients in a blender/food processor.

silken tofu mixed with flour and curry powder for hash browns dough

Step 3

Now, add the grated carrots and finely chopped fresh parsley.

Mix well until the carrots are evenly coated with the tofu mixture and hold together into a cohesive “dough”.

grated carrots mixed with tofu flour dough for hash brown fritters

Step 4

Preheat the oven to 170°C (340°F) fan or 190°C (375°F) static.

Line a baking tray with parchment paper and brush with half of the oil.

To shape each carrot hash brown, use a greased round cookie cutter or a pochette ring, about 7 cm in diameter.

Place the ring/cutter onto the baking paper and fill it with two spoonfuls of the carrot mix.

shaped carrot hash brown patties on a tray with a ring

Step 5

Then, use the back of a spoon to flatten the carrot mix into a thin patty and lift off the ring/cutter.

Repeat for the other hash browns until you have used all the grated carrot mixture.

Keep in mind that the thinner and looser you make the carrot patties, the crispier the hash browns will be.

If you make them thick and compact instead, the fritters will be spongier and softer.

vegan carrot hash browns patties on a tray

Step 6

Gently brush the prepared patties with the remaining oil and bake them for 25 minutes.

When the hash browns look browned and crispy on the edges, carefully flip them with a spatula and cook them for 5-10 more minutes.

baked carrot hash browns

Step 7

Once ready, transfer the carrot fritters to a rack to cool down slightly.

Your healthy veggie hash browns are ready!

You can enjoy them warm or cold, on their own or with a healthy dip like our beetroot hummus or cashew mayo.

You can also pair them with this baked bean toast for breakfast, stuff them into a lunch sandwich, or add them to a grain bowl for dinner!

carrot hash browns


  • You can swap a fourth of the carrots with thinly chopped shallots for a sweet, caramelised finish.

  • Optionally add 1 tablespoon of nutritional yeast to the dough for a boost of proteins and vitamin B12.

  • You can store these carrot hash browns in an airtight container in the fridge for up to 4 days, but they will get soggy. To bring back some crispiness, reheat them in the oven or skillet.

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