The Best Sauteed Green Beans with Garlic

Sauteed Green Beans with Garlic is a super simple, super quick, and super delicious side dish! With just three ingredients, fresh green beans have never tasted so good, and they’re ready in about 10 minutes.

a serving bowl of sauteed green beans with garlic and two lemon wedges.

Why This Garlic Green Beans Recipe is So Good

  • Just Three Ingredients! You only need fresh green beans, a few cloves of garlic, and some olive oil to make this flavorful, savory veggie side dish.
  • It’s The Perfect Side Dish. Green beans with garlic are delicious with your everyday meals, and they’re also festive enough for holiday dinners like Thanksgiving or Christmas.
  • Sauteed Beans are a healthier alternative to green bean casserole, and they’re tastier than plain boiled green beans. This recipe is the perfect in-between!

Tips and Tricks for Making Sauteed Green Beans with Garlic

  • Instead of olive oil, try this recipe with butter or vegan butter!
  • Don’t overcook the green beans. Cooking them for just a few minutes and then shocking them in cold water helps them to keep their beautiful vibrant color. (this is called “blanching” if you were wondering)
  • Use a big enough skillet. You want the beans to fit in it in mostly a single layer. This way they fry rather than steam in the pan.
  • Don’t have any fresh garlic? Season the beans with salt and a teaspoon of garlic powder instead.
  • To add acidity and freshness, a squeeze of fresh lemon juice just before serving is delicious on these garlicky beans, as is a light drizzle of balsamic vinegar.  
  • You can use this same method to cook other types of vegetables too. Broccoli, zucchini, carrots, or asparagus can be blanched and then sauteed with garlic to make a different, but equally delicious veggie side dish.
  • Store any leftovers in an airtight container in the refrigerator for up to 4 days. These beans are delicious when you make them part of your meal-prepped lunches.
  • Try my easy green beans and mushrooms recipe too! Or check out this recipe I found for crispy parmesan green beans.
a black iron skillet of sauteed green beans with garlic.

What to Serve with Sauteed Green Beans

This simple green bean side dish will pair wonderfully with any of your favorite main dishes.

Try them with my hearty Vegan Meatloaf, or enjoy garlic green beans with a side of pasta, spaghetti squash, or brown rice.

For dessert, try my Vegan Apple Crisp!

More Amazing Side Dish Recipes

Yay! You have made it this far, and I am so glad! Hey – If you make this recipe, I’d love for you to give it a quick review & star rating ★ below. Make sure you follow me on InstagramPinterestYouTube, and Facebook, too!

Sauteed Green Beans with Garlic

Sauteed Green Beans with Garlic is a super simple, super quick, and super delicious side dish! With just three ingredients, fresh green beans have never tasted so good.

Prep Time5 minutes

Cook Time7 minutes

Total Time12 minutes

Course: Side Dish

Cuisine: American

Keyword: sauteed green beans with garlic

Servings: 4 servings

Calories: 56kcal

Author: Cindy Gordon | Vegetarian Mamma

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