Super Easy Creamy Tomato Pasta (With Secret Ingredient)

This Super Easy Creamy Tomato Pasta is not only incredibly delicious but also incredibly easy to make. Discover my secret ingredient that takes this pasta dish from ordinary to extraordinary.

Creamy Tomato Pasta in a blue skillet with a serving spoon, grated cheese basil and a kitchen towel, plates anf forks on the side.

Creamy Tomato Pasta Bliss: A Deliciously Easy Recipe!

This Super Easy Creamy Tomato Pasta is creamy without being too heavy, striking the perfect balance between comfort food and guilt-free indulgence. Made with just a handful of everyday ingredients, this paste is sure to impress even the toughest critics and satisfy everyone around the table.

What Makes This Recipe Unique? My Secret Ingredient!

But what really sets this recipe apart is my secret ingredient: fresh mozzarella! Trust me when I say that once you’ve experienced the creamy richness that fresh mozzarella brings to the sauce, there’s no going back. It adds a layer of decadence that takes this pasta dish from ordinary to extraordinary. It adds a creamy richness that you won’t find in traditional tomato sauces.

This pasta is indulgent yet perfectly balanced, making it a wonderful choice for any night of the week. Plus, since it’s made from scratch, you can take pride in serving your loved ones a homemade dish bursting with flavor and heartiness.

Creamy Tomato Pasta in a blue skillet with a serving spoon, grated cheese and basil.

What To Love About This Recipe

  • Quick and Easy: This recipe is perfect for those busy weeknights when you want something delicious on the table fast. It comes together in under 30 minutes!
  • Simple Ingredients: Most of the ingredients are likely already in your pantry and fridge, making it convenient and budget-friendly.
  • Crowd-Pleasing: Even the pickiest of eaters will love this creamy tomato pasta. The combination of flavors is irresistible.
  • Luscious and Silky: The creamy texture of the sauce is just divine, without feeling too heavy. It’s comfort food at its finest.
  • Made from Scratch: Forget about store-bought sauces – this one is made entirely from scratch, giving you full control over the flavors.

Ingredients You’ll Need, Substitutions & Notes

Ingredients needed to make Super Easy Creamy Tomato Pasta (With Secret Ingredient) with name tags.

Please check the recipe card at the bottom of the post for exact quantities and detailed instructions (scroll down).

  • Uncooked Pasta: Choose your favorite type of pasta, whether it’s spaghetti, penne, or rigatoni. I like to use small shells because they scoop up all the yummy creamy sauce.
  • Canned Tomatoes: For the best flavor, opt for high-quality canned tomatoes. You can use crushed, diced, whole tomatoes, or even tomato sauce—whatever you have on hand. I like to use Mutti Passata with Basil. 
  • Fresh Mozzarella Ball: This star ingredient sets this recipe apart. Fresh mozzarella adds creaminess and a subtle tanginess to the sauce. This is the fresh mozzarella I use. Do not use pre-shredded or processed cheese.
  • Heavy Cream: Provides richness and helps to create that luxurious texture.
  • Olive Oil: Used for sautéing the garlic and adding depth of flavor to the sauce.
  • Red Pepper Flakes: Add a bit of heat to balance out the creaminess of the sauce. Adjust the amount according to your preference.
  • Salt and Black Pepper: Season to taste, ensuring your dish is perfectly seasoned.
  • Garlic: Adds aromatic flavor to the sauce.
  • Tomato Paste: Intensifies the tomato flavor and helps to thicken the sauce.
  • Chopped Fresh Basil and Parmesan Cheese to Serve (Optional): Adds freshness and an extra layer of flavor to the finished dish.

Process Overview: How To Make Super Easy Creamy Tomato Paste Step-by-Step

Please check the recipe card at the bottom of the post for exact quantities and detailed instructions (scroll down).

Step 1 – Cook The Pasta

Cook pasta in a big pot of salted boiling water for the time instructed on the package minus 2 minutes. Just before draining, scoop out a cup of cooking water and reserve it. Drain the pasta and set aside. Tip: After draining the pasta, toss it with a little olive oil to coat it. This can help prevent sticking, especially if you’re not using it immediately.

cooked pasta and pasta water over a white surface.

Step 2 – Blend The Sauce

Place canned tomatoes, mozzarella ball, heavy cream, 2 tablespoons of olive oil, red pepper flakes, salt, and black pepper in a blender. Blend until smooth. Set aside.

Step 3 – Sauté

Add 2 tablespoons of olive oil and chopped garlic to a large skillet. Turn the heat to medium; cook until fragrant, string constantly, about 1 minute. Add tomato paste and continue cooking for 2 more minutes.

Step 4 – Add the Sauce and Pasta

Add the blended tomato mixture to the skillet; mix to combine. Cook for 2 – 3 minutes. Then, add the pasta and the reserved pasta water and stir until it is well coated in the creamy tomato sauce. Taste and adjust the salt and pepper as needed. Let it simmer for 2 – 3 minutes.

Step 5 – Serve

Sprinkle with chopped basil and parmesan, if desired. Serve warm.

Creamy Tomato Pasta in a blue skillet with a serving spoon, grated cheese and basil over a white surface.

Recipe Tips

  • Don’t Overcook the Pasta: Cook your pasta 2 minutes less than the packet suggestion. It will continue to cook slightly in the sauce.
  • Use Fresh Mozzarella: Fresh mozzarella melts beautifully into the sauce, creating a velvety texture. Do not use pre-shredded or processed cheese.
  • Adjust the Seasoning: Taste the sauce as you go and adjust the seasoning as needed. Everyone’s palate is different, so feel free to customize it to your liking.

Food Allergy Swaps

  • Dairy-Free: You can make this recipe dairy-free by substituting the heavy cream and fresh mozzarella with a dairy-free or vegan alternative.
  • Gluten-Free: Swap out the regular pasta for a gluten-free variety to make this dish gluten-free.

Variations & Additions

  • Add Protein: Amp up the protein by adding cooked chicken, shrimp, or tofu to the pasta.
  • Vegetarian: This recipe is already vegetarian-friendly, but you can make it vegan by using dairy-free alternatives.
  • Extra Veggies: Feel free to add extra vegetables such as spinach, mushrooms, or bell peppers for added nutrition and flavor.
  • Parmesan Cheese: If you’re out of Parmesan cheese, you can substitute it with Pecorino Romano or Grana Padano.

Serving Suggestions

No matter how you choose to serve it, this Super Easy Creamy Tomato Pasta is sure to be a hit at your next meal! I like to serve it with e some warm, buttery garlic bread and a crisp green salad dressed with maple vinaigrette. The combination of flavors and textures makes for a satisfying and well-rounded meal.

Storing and Freezing Instructions

  • Refrigerating: Store any leftovers in an airtight container in the refrigerator for up to 3 days. To reheat, add a splash of milk to the portion and reheat over the stove at low heat or in the microwave.
  • Freezing: While this pasta dish is best enjoyed fresh, leftovers can be frozen for up to 3 months. Allow the pasta to cool completely before transferring it to a freezer-safe container.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I use sheered mozzarella instead of fresh?

I do not recommend that! Fresh mozzarella is recommended for its creamy texture.

Can I make this recipe ahead of time?

While this dish is best served fresh, you can prepare the sauce, cook the pasta ahead, and then combine and finish it when ready to serve.

Creamy Tomato Pasta in a plate with grated cheese and basil on a white surface.

More Pasta Recipes You’ll Love!

Recipe Card 📖

Creamy Tomato Pasta in a blue skillet with a serving spoon, grated cheese and basil.

Super Easy Creamy Tomato Pasta (With Secret Ingredient)

64569017466b70122dc3c6f02423c7db?s=30&d=mm&r=gOriana Romero

This SuperEasy Creamy Tomato Pasta is not only incredibly delicious but also incredibly easy to make. Discover my secret ingredient that takes this pasta dish from ordinary to extraordinary.

Prep Time 10 minutes

Cook Time 15 minutes

Total Time 25 minutes

Servings 6 servings


  • Cook pasta in a big pot of salted boiling water for the time suggested in the packet minus 2 minutes. Just before draining, scoop out a cup of cooking water and reserve it. Drain the pasta and set aside. Tip: After draining the pasta, toss it with a little olive oil to coat it. This can help prevent sticking, especially if you’re not using it immediately.
  • Place canned tomatoes, mozzarella ball (just the cheese, not the water it comes in), heavy cream, 2 tablespoons of olive oil, red pepper flakes, salt, and black pepper in a blender. Blend until smooth. Set aside.

  • Add 2 tablespoons of olive oil and chopped garlic to a large skillet. Turn the heat to medium; cook until fragrant, string constantly, about 1 minute. Add tomato paste and continue cooking for 2 more minutes.

  • Add the blended tomato mixture to the skillet; mix to combine. Cook for 2 – 3 minutes. Then, add the cooked pasta and the reserved pasta water and stir until it is well coated in the creamy tomato sauce. Taste and adjust the salt and pepper as needed. Let it simmer for 2 – 3 minutes.

  • Sprinkle with chopped basil and parmesan, if desired. Serve warm.

Refrigerating: Store any leftovers in an airtight container in the refrigerator for up to 3 days. To reheat, add a splash of milk to the portion and reheat over the stove at low heat or in the microwave.
Freezing: While this pasta dish is best enjoyed fresh, leftovers can be frozen for up to 3 months. Allow the pasta to cool completely before transferring it to a freezer-safe container.

Pasta: You can use any shape of pasta you like. I like to use small shells because they scoop up all the yummy creamy sauce.
Tomatoes: You can use crushed, diced, whole tomatoes, or even tomato sauce – whatever you have on hand. I like to use Mutti Passata with Basil. 
Fresh Mozzarella Ball: This star ingredient sets this recipe apart. Fresh mozzarella adds creaminess and a subtle tanginess to the sauce. This is the fresh mozzarella I use. Do not use pre-shredded or processed cheese.
Recipe Tips:

  • Don’t Overcook the Pasta: Cook your pasta 2 minutes less than the packet suggestion. It will continue to cook slightly in the sauce.
  • Use Fresh Mozzarella: Fresh mozzarella melts beautifully into the sauce, creating a velvety texture. Do not use pre-shredded or processed cheese.
  • Adjust the Seasoning: Taste the sauce as you go and adjust the seasoning as needed. Everyone’s palate is different, so feel free to customize it to your liking.

Food Allergy Swaps:

  • Dairy-Free: You can make this recipe dairy-free by substituting the heavy cream with coconut cream or a dairy-free alternative. Use vegan mozzarella if desired.
  • Gluten-Free: Simply swap out the regular pasta for a gluten-free variety to make this dish gluten-free.


  • Add Protein: Amp up the protein by adding cooked chicken, shrimp, or tofu to the pasta.
  • Vegetarian: This recipe is already vegetarian-friendly, but you can make it vegan by using dairy-free alternatives.
  • Extra Veggies: Feel free to add extra vegetables such as spinach, mushrooms, or bell peppers for added nutrition and flavor.
  • Parmesan Cheese: If you’re out of Parmesan cheese, you can substitute it with Pecorino Romano or Grana Padano.

Read the whole post for more tips, tricks, variations, step-by-step photos, faqs, and more. 
Did you make this recipe? Don’t forget to give it a 5-star (⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️) rating below!
Please note that nutritional information is a rough estimate and can vary depending on the products used.


Calories: 552kcalCarbohydrates: 69gProtein: 14gFat: 26gSaturated Fat: 11gPolyunsaturated Fat: 2gMonounsaturated Fat: 11gCholesterol: 46mgSodium: 633mgPotassium: 665mgFiber: 5gSugar: 10gVitamin A: 1060IUVitamin C: 14mgCalcium: 95mgIron: 3mg

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Course dinner

Cuisine American

Calories 552

Keyword creamy pasta recipe tomato

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