Spring Mix Salad with Feta and Blood Oranges

This spring mix salad features crisp greens with feta cheese, blood oranges, fresh mint and crunchy pistachios. Make this recipe for an easy brunch salad!

overhead: two plates of spring mix salad with Feta, Blood Oranges, Mint and Pistachios

My love of cheese is eternal, and feta is no exception. The creamy texture and briny saltiness of a good quality feta can enhance so many recipes, especially salads. For this mixed greens salad, feta adds a perfect balance of flavor, texture and color.

woman's hands crumbling block of feta cheese on small white plate

Spring Mix Salad Ingredient Notes

  • Feta cheese: I always purchase blocks of feta packed in brine as opposed to pre-crumbled feta. As with any cheese, it will taste more flavorful if you wait until the last moment to crumble it. The brine also helps the feta retain moisture, resulting in a cheese that’s both creamy and firm as opposed to slightly dried out.
  • Blood oranges: Because they’re in season, I used blood oranges. They’re gorgeous and they add so much color to the salad. But you can substitute any variety (aside from perhaps the bitter types used to prepare marmalade).

blood orange segments next to wooden citrus juicer and small dish of blood orange juice

  • Pistachios: I like to save time by purchasing pre-shelled and roasted pistachios. They’re more expensive, but time is money.
  • Honey: If you’re working with a thick honey, you can microwave it for a few seconds in a ramekin to thin out the consistency before adding it to the vinaigrette. This will prevent clumping when you emulsify it with the other ingredients.
  • Salad ingredient quantities: How much of each ingredient you add to your mixed greens salad is a matter of personal preference. When I’m not creating a recipe for the blog, I just throw everything in a bowl and adjust to taste. Add more or less as you see fit.


spinach and arugula on plates with blood orange slices pistachios and feta cheese

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overhead image: 2 plates of spring mix salad

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Spring Mix Salad with Feta

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