Seared Scallops with Citrus Dressing

Learn the secret to perfectly golden, seared scallops topped with a bright and zesty citrus dressing. Ready in 15 minutes!

seared scallops with citrus dressing served over rice with asparagus.

Seared Scallops are deceptively elegant and elevated. They have a restaurant-worthy quality yet are surprisingly easy to make at home, in under 20 minutes. Serve them up with your favorite seasonal veggie and an optional starch, and you’ll have a dinner that feels very special!

The secret to perfect golden-seared scallops is using a hot skillet and not fiddling with the scallops. When ready, they will naturally release themselves from the pan in their own time. Cooking is interactive, a two-way conversation between us and the ingredients we use. We just need to watch and listen more- then cooking becomes magical and fun instead of forced.

The zesty citrus dressing is very universal and pairs well with many things. You will want to spoon it over everything, and that’s what I did here with the asparagus.

Why You’ll Love This

  1. Quick & easy! Have an elegant dinner ready in under 20 minutes.
  2. Impressive, elevated dish. A beautiful, gourmet dish that couldn’t be easier!
  3. Flavorful, citrusy dressing. Brings a bright, zesty flavor to the dish.

Seared Scallops Ingredients

seared scallops ingredients laid out - dry scallops, shallot, herbs, orange, lime, oil, salt, pepper, chili flakes.
  • Dry Sea Scallops: Scallops are often treated with a solution to plump and preserve them right before freezing—these are known as “wet” scallops and can often have a soapy flavor and rubbery texture. Dry scallops are not treated with this solution and taste like the sea. Opt for large, dry sea scallops for the best flavor and texture.
  • Olive oil: Or butter or a combo. Contrary to popular belief, you can achieve a gold crust without using butter, if need be. I find a combo of butter and olive oil is ideal.
  • Salt, fresh black pepper, and optional red pepper flakes: Urfa biber or Aleppo chili flakes are nice here.
  • Citrus: Fresh lime and orange for bright, zesty flavor. You’ll use the zest and juice.
  • Shallot: For a little kick. Or sub one garlic clove.
  • Fresh Herbs: Flat-leaf parsley or cilantro to add vibrant flavor and freshness. Other herbs like basil, thyme, tarragon, or chives are nice too.

How to Cook Perfectly Seared Scallops

Step 1: Prep the sea scallops. Gently pat the scallops dry with a paper towel. Excess moisture will prevent a golden crust.

Step 2: Warm the pan. Heat oil and butter in a large stainless steel pan or cast-iron skillet over medium-high heat.

Step 3: Season scallops. It’s important to wait until the pan is hot and ready for searing before seasoning the scallops, as salt can draw out more moisture. Season scallops with salt, pepper, and optional chili flakes.

Step 4: Sear scallops. Once pan is sizzling, add scallops, seasoned side down. Let them develop a golden crust before flipping. They will naturally release from pan in about 3 minutes. Season the tops, then turn and sear the other side until golden, 1-2 minutes.

Citrus Dressing

In a small bowl, whisk together the dressing ingredients (oil, orange and lime juice, shallot, parsley or cilantro, salt, pepper, and chili flakes). Do this ahead!

small bowl with herby citrus dressing and spoon.

Step 5: Serve. When scallops are perfectly seared with a golden brown crust, spoon the flavorful dressing over the scallops.

If serving with seasonal veggies, spoon some of the extra sauce over those as well!

The citrus dressing can be made a day in advance and stored in the refrigerator.

seared scallops with herby citrus dressing in skillet with orange wedge.


What is the secret to searing scallops?

The secret to perfect golden-seared scallops is patting the scallops dry and searing them in a very hot skillet. Use a combination of butter and olive oil.

How long should you pan-sear scallops?

Scallops cook very quickly. Timing will depend on the size of the scallops, but the goal is to get a golden crust before they overcook. This takes a few minutes on each side in a very hot pan.

Should you cook scallops in butter or oil?

Believe it or not, you can achieve golden-seared scallops with just olive oil! My preference is a combo of butter and oil.

Can I use lemon juice?

Yes, instead of lime juice feel free to add lemon juice.

What to Serve with Seared Scallops


Though scallops are best enjoyed right away, you can store leftovers for up to 3 days in an airtight container in the refrigerator. Gently reheat on the stovetop.

seared scallops in citrus dressing served over rice with asparagus and orange slice.

Such a simple but satisfying meal! Give it a try and let us know how you like it in the comments below.



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Learn the secret to perfectly golden, seared scallops topped with a bright and zesty citrus dressing. Ready in 15 minutes!

Citrus Dressing 


  1. Make the Citrus Dressing. In a small bowl, mix dressing ingredients together and set aside.
  2. Pat dry the scallops using a paper towel. Any moisture will prevent that golden crust from developing.
  3. Wait to season with salt, pepper, and optional chili flakes until ready to sear ( as salting early will draw out more moisture)
  4. Heat olive oil and butter in a large stainless steel pan or cast-iron skillet over medium-high heat. When hot and sizzling, add the dry scallops, seasoned side down. Let them develop a golden crust before turning- they will naturally release themselves from the pan in roughly 3 minutes. Season the tops, then turn and sear the other side until golden 1-2 minutes.
  5. Spoon flavorful citrus dressing over the scallops and serve!


The citrus dressing can be made 1 day ahead and refrigerated.

Scallops are best consumed right after cooking, but leftovers can be kept up to 3 days in an airtight container in the refrigerator and gently reheated on the stove.


  • Serving Size: 4 ounces
  • Calories: 267
  • Sugar: 1.2 g
  • Sodium: 735.7 mg
  • Fat: 21.7 g
  • Saturated Fat: 3.2 g
  • Carbohydrates: 5.5 g
  • Fiber: 0.2 g
  • Protein: 13.9 g
  • Cholesterol: 27.2 mg

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