Salmon Wellington | Feasting At Home

This Salmon Wellington recipe, aka salmon en croute, is made with wild salmon and a fresh spinach filling enhanced with lemon zest and fresh dill, baked in a golden, flaky puff pastry crust.

salmon wellington with fresh dill on serving platter, cut into slices.

Here’s a fun recipe that feels really fancy but is surprisingly easy to make: Salmon Wellington. Make it ahead for a special brunch or dinner, and bake it right before serving. This recipe is adapted from Mary Berry’s salmon en croûte. We’ve zhuzhed it up a bit, adding fresh dill, mustard, and lemon zest, and honestly, I think she’d approve.

Why You’ll Love This

  1. A dish to impress! A fancy main for your table that’s surprisingly simple to make!
  2. Fresh, spring flavor. The spinach filling is bright and herby with dill and lemon zest.
  3. Easy to meal prep. Make it ahead for a special occasion, baking it right before serving.
ingredients for salmon wellington- fresh dill and spinach, dijon, shallot, lemon, salmon, garlic, cream cheese, puff pastry, all laid out on parchment.

The Ingredients

  • Wild, sustainable salmon fillet: Skin off salmon, with pin bones removed. Oilier, thicker salmon filets like King Salmon, coho, or Nordic Atlantic work best. These are harder to overcook and dry out.
  • Puff pastry sheets: We love Dufour brand because it is made with real butter. If using the Pepperidge Farm brand, you may need to use both sheets, depending on the size of your salmon. Thaw overnight in the fridge.
  • Dijon mustard: Brushed onto the salmon for tangy, sharp flavor. Or use whole-grain mustard.
  • Shallot and garlic: These aromatics add savory depth of flavor to the filling. You can sub onions for the shallot if desired.
  • Baby spinach: Buy fresh spinach in a bunch if you can versus pre-washed, packaged spinach. You can also sub-frozen spinach.
  • Fresh dill and lemon zest: Add bright, herby, and zesty flavor to the filling.
  • Dairy: Cream cheese and milk (or half and half). Try probiotic cream cheese!
  • Eggs: You’ll need an egg yolk, plus a whole egg for the egg wash.
  • Olive oil, salt and black pepper

How to Make Salmon Wellington

Step 1: Thaw puff pastry. The puff pastry needs to thaw overnight in the refrigerator. When ready to prepare the Salmon Wellington, place the puff pastry on the counter 10 minutes prior to rolling.

sautéing shallot and garlic in skillet.

Step 2: Make the filling. In a large skillet, heat oil over medium. Add shallot and garlic and sauté until fragrant, 3-4 minutes.

sautéing spinach in skillet with garlic and shallot.

Reduce heat, add chopped spinach, stir and wilt.

skillet with spinach and cream cheese, dill, and lemon zest added.

Add dill and cream cheese to the spinach mixture, turn off heat, and stir until combined. Add salt, pepper, and lemon zest.

skillet with cream cheese and spinach mixture and egg yolk added.

Let sit 5-10 minutes, then mix in egg yolk.

Tip: Step 2 can be done in advance and stored in the fridge the day before.

silicone pastry brush dipped into egg wash.

Step 3: Make the egg wash. In a small bowl, whisk egg with a splash of milk or half and half.

puff pastry laid out on floured parchment paper beside rolling pin.

Step 4: Begin assembling. On floured parchment paper, carefully unfold the sheet of puff pastry. Flour the top of it and roll it out just a little to fit the salmon. Be careful not to roll it too thin. You’ll need the puff pastry to fit over the top of the salmon and the filling with 1 inch around all three sides. If one sheet doesn’t fit, then use two sheets.

spoon spreading dijon mustard over salmon.

Step 5: Season salmon with a generous amount of salt and pepper on both sides, then place on one side of the puff pastry, leaving 1 inch of space around it to seal. Brush the salmon with dijon mustard.

salmon topped with spinach filling, laid on top of puff pastry.

Step 6: Add filling and fold. Spoon filling over the salmon, smoothing it out.

Brush egg wash lightly on all exposed puff pastry, then fold it over the salmon.

Press out any air bubbles, everywhere but the seam-side, before sealing the edges together with the side of your hand.

Use a sharp knife to trim the excess, 1/2 an inch and crimp the edges.

Cut slits or crosshatch slits on top to create a design. I used a spoon to create a fish scale pattern, then cut these with a sharp paring knife.

Brush the top and edges of the puff pastry with egg wash.

Step 7: Refrigerate. Pick it up with the parchment and transfer to a plate or platter to refrigerate for 30 minutes. Place a sheet pan in the oven and preheat to 400F (375F convection).

Step 8: Bake. Slide salmon and parchment onto the hot sheet pan and bake on the middle rack until beautifully golden brown, 30-35 minutes. Turn halfway through baking if needed. Tip: Baking on a hot baking tray will help cook the bottom.

Step 9: Serve. Let cool 5-10 minutes before slicing into pieces and serving.

slice of salmon wellington with creamy spinach filling and flaky salmon, served on top of roasted asparagus.

Chef Tips

  1. Season the salmon well– both sides and generously! Check for bones.
  2. Seek out Darfour Puff Pastry. It is worth it! It is made with real ingredeints.
  3. Don’t roll out the puff pastry too thinly; only increase the overall size by 3 inches. Otherwise, it will be too thin.
  4. When creating a pattern, make sure you cut the puff pastry—just making a print or indent will not be enough.
  5. Use a hot sheet pan! Baking this on a hot, preheated baking sheet ensures that the bottom crisps up and cooks through.


Where did Salmon Wellington originate?

It is believed that this dish originated in Tudor England (mid 1400s to early 1600s), along with the popular Beef Wellington.

What does “en croute” mean?

This is a French term that refers to anything wrapped in pastry dough and baked in the oven.

How do I prevent this from getting soggy?

As long as you place a sheet pan in the oven while it preheats, the bottom of the puff pastry will get nice and crisp!

Can I make individual portions of Salmon Wellington?

Yes, cut salmon into 2 to 3-ounce portions, top with filling and wrap individually. You can either fold the pastry over or place two pieces on top of each other. I highly recommend doing a sample portion before cutting all your pastry!

MAke Ahead & Storage

You can prepare the spinach filling a day in advance and store in the refrigerator. Alternatively, you can assemble the whole dish a day ahead and refrigerate, then bake right before serving—great when you need it for an elevated weeknight dinner! Wait to brush the top with an egg wash until ready to bake. Remember to use a hot sheet pan!

Leftovers will keep in an airtight container for up to 3 days. Before reheating, bring the dish to room temperature, then bake 10-15 minutes at 375F.

salmon wellington on serving platter with two slices cut, garnished with fresh dill.

Hope you enjoy this Salmon Wellington recipe! It’s so much fun to make and you’ll feel especially proud of yourself when you pull it out of the oven!

Serving Suggestions

Serve with a light leafy green salad like our Spring Greens or Little Gem Salad. French Potato Salad, Roasted Asparagus, or these green beans almondine would be nice too. Any greens or veggies make a great accompaniment.

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This Salmon Wellington recipe (salmon en croute) is made with a golden buttery puff pastry crust, wild salmon, and a creamy spinach filling with lemon zest and dill. It can be made a day ahead, and baked right before serving. 

  1. Thaw puff pastry overnight in the fridge. Then place on the counter 10 minutes before rolling. 
  2. Make the Filling: In a large skillet or pan, heat olive oil over medium heat. Add shallot and garlic and saute until fragrant, about 3-4 minutes.  Lower heat and add the chopped spinach, stirring and wilting. Add the dill and cream cheese, turn off the heat, and stir until the cream cheese is fully incorporated. Add salt pepper, and lemon zest and set aside.  Let this sit for 5 -10 minutes, then mix in the egg yolk. You could do this all ahead and refrigerate overnight. 
  3. Make the egg wash. In a small bowl, whisk one egg with a splash of half and half, and whisk well, set aside. 
  4. Assemble: On a floured parchment paper, gently unfold the puff pastry. Flour the top of it and roll it out just a little, to fit the salmon- you don’t want it too thin, see notes.  (Make sure your puff pasty will fit over the top of the salmon+filling with 1 inch around all three sides-otherwise you’ll need two sheets). 
  5. Season the salmon generously with salt and pepper on both sides. Place the salmon on one side of the puff pastry, leaving an inch of space around it to seal. Brush the salmon with the dijon mustard
  6. Spoon the spinach filling over the salmon. Smooth it out as best you can. Brush the egg wash lightly on all exposed puff pastry, then carefully fold it over the salmon, pressing out any air bubbles, before sealing. Then, press the edges together with the side of your hand.  Trim to 1/2 inch. Crimp the edges. Brush the top of the pastry with egg wash, as well as the edges. Cut or crosshatch the top to create a design if you like. ( I used the back of a spoon to create a fish scale pattern, then cut these with a sharp paring knife).
  7. Slide it onto a plate or platter ( with the parchment) and refrigerate for 30 minutes.
  8. Place a sheet pan in the oven and preheat the oven to 400F ( 375F convection). When ready to bake,  slide the salmon with the parchment onto the hot sheet pan, and bake in the middle of oven the until beautifully golden, about 30-35 minutes. Turn halfway through if need be.
  9. Let stand 5-10 minutes, slice into pieces, and serve. 


Baking this on a HOT, preheated sheet pan will help the bottom crisp and cook through.

Puff pastry: Depending on the brand of puff pastry you use and the size of your salmon, you may need one or two pastry sheets. You can always cut the salmon to fit the puff pastry better. I’ve even done this with pieces of salmon pushed together. When using the Darfour brand, one large sheet is usually enough; when using the Pepperidge Farms brand, I use both sheets in the package- placing one on top of the other instead of folding them over. 

Salmon: I’ve had the best luck with oiler, thicker salmon (sustainable Nordic Atlantic, coho, or wild king salmon), which is harder to overcook and dry out, versus wild sockeye salmon, which tends to cook faster. That being said, the wild sockeye salmon, though slightly overcooked, still tasted good. 

Assemble ahead: The whole thing can be assembled a day ahead and refrigerated, then baked right before serving. Remember to use a hot sheet pan. Wait to brush the surface with eggwash until baking. 

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