Old Fashioned Salmon Patties Recipe

Old Fashioned Salmon Patties are a classic recipe and for a reason. This delicious and easy southern recipe can be made with pantry staples in just 10 minutes, making it perfect for busy weeknights.

Old fashioned salmon patties on a white plate.

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Salmon patties, also called salmon cakes, or salmon croquettes, are an old-fashioned recipe which is usually made with canned salmon and saltine crackers. It can be quickly mixed up, fried to golden brown, and served with side dishes or a salad.

Why we love this recipe

  • Easy: It couldn’t be easier to make this salmon patty recipe. You only need a few simple ingredients, one bowl, and one pan.
  • Delicious: These salmon cakes are super flavorful, with old bay seasoning, lemon, and dill. The have a crispy coating with no need for breading.
  • Budget friendly: The ingredients for these simple salmon patties won’t break the bank.
  • Versatile: This easy recipe makes a perfect weeknight meal along with side dishes like green beans or carrots. The patties are delicious hot or cold and can be taken in packed lunches or on picnics.
A stack of three salmon patties on a white plate.

Ingredient Notes

Full instructions and ingredient quantities are in the recipe card at the bottom of this post.

  • Salmon: To make these easy salmon patties, I’m using leftover cooked salmon from making air fryer salmon. These old-fashioned salmon patties are a great way to use leftover fresh salmon. However, I often make these salmon patties with canned salmon, and they are delicious, too. If you do use canned salmon, you will need two cups, so two 8 ounce cans. Be sure to drain the can of salmon very well. You can pick out any large bones if there are any. The smaller bones are soft and won’t be noticeable. I am partial to sockeye salmon but you can use pink salmon or any other salmon, too.
  • Panko: I use gluten-free panko breadcrumbs. You can use regular panko, or any dry breadcrumbs. Or you can follow the old classic southern salmon patties recipe and use crushed saltine cracker crumbs or even crushed Ritz crackers.
  • Egg: The egg, along with the mayonnaise, acts a the binder so the salmon patties hold together. I always use a large egg in recipes unless otherwise noted.
  • Mayonnaise: I use real mayonnaise for these patties. You can substitute a mayo-like spread such as Miracle Whip. However, be sure that the product contains real eggs and oil, which is are the ingredients in real mayonnaise that help bind the ingredients in the recipe.
  • Lemon juice: You’ll need two tablespoons of juice, which is about half a lemon.
  • Old Bay Seasoning: I highly recommend using Old Bay. It’s a delicious blend that can’t be beat on seafood and so much more. If you don’t have it on hand, substitute celery salt and add ¼ teaspoon of black pepper.
  • Dill: I’m using dried dill, but if you have fresh dill on hand you can use that instead. Increase the amount to 2 teaspoons.
  • Onion powder: For this recipe dried onion powder works best. The salmon patties cook too quickly for fresh onion to cook, even if finely diced.
  • Oil: Since we are frying the salmon cakes in hot oil, we need oil with a high smoke point. My favorite is peanut oil, but you can also use vegetable oil, avocado oil, canola oil, or sunflower oil.
The ingredients for making this recipe in glass bowls on a wooden board.

How to Make Old Fashioned Salmon Patties

  1. In a large mixing bowl, combine all ingredients except the oil.
The ingredients being combined in a glass bowl with a spoon.
  1. Roll ¼ cup portions into balls, then flatten into disks.
The formed salmon patties before being fried, on a white plate.
  1. Place the salmon patties in the hot pan, keeping plenty of space between them.
  2. Without moving the patties, cook them for 2 minutes.
  1. Carefully flip the patties and cook the other side for 2 minutes.
  2. Transfer them to a plate. Garnish with parsley, and serve.

Helpful Tips

I have never had an issue with the salmon cakes not holding together when following this recipe. However, if your patties are falling apart, stir another tablespoon of mayonnaise into the salmon mixture.

Use a measuring scoop to ensure all the patties are the same size.

Make sure your oil is hot before putting the patties into the pan. It should sizzle and pop when a drop of water is thrown in.

Don’t crowd the pan. This will prevent the salmon patties from getting crisp, and also make it difficult to flip them.

Don’t move the patties around at all, and flip them only once.

Store leftover salmon patties in the fridge in an airtight container for up to three days. To reheat, use the microwave or air fryer.

To freeze, place the cooled patties in a zip-lock bag on it’s side, or freezer container in a single layer. Freeze for up to 3 months and defrost in the fridge overnight.


  • Make ahead: You can combine the ingredients and shape the salmon mixture into patties ahead of time. Cover the fish cakes with plastic wrap and refrigerate until you are ready to cook them.
  • Baking: If you want to bake these salmon cakes, place the patties on a parchment paper lined baking sheet in a single layer. Bake at 400 degrees for 20 minutes, turning halfway through.
  • Air Fryer: I love to make this recipe using the air fryer. To air fry, spray the air fryer basket lightly with oil. Place the salmon patties in the air fryer without crowding and air fry at the highest setting (390-400 degrees) for 8 minutes.
  • Tuna patties: Use canned tuna in place of salmon in this recipe to make equally delicious tuna patties.
  • Crab cakes: Use real or artificial crab instead of salmon. (Or try my Cajun crab cakes)
  • Appetizers: Make smaller patties for a crowd-pleasing appetizer. You can serve them warm or cold.
  • Burgers: This old fashioned salmon patties recipe is perfect for salmon burgers. Just make the patties larger (you’ll need to cook a little longer), or use them for salmon sliders.

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Several salmon patties on a white plate.

Old Fashioned Salmon Patties

Old Fashioned Salmon Patties are a classic recipe and for a reason. This delicious and easy southern recipe can be made with pantry staples in 10 minutes.

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