Lemon and Yoghurt Dunking Biscuits from “Love, Laugh, Bake!” – Silvia Colloca


Nothing fills me with more joy than sharing my love for baking with my children. It’s both the ritual of creating an edible moment together, and the anticipation and excitement waiting for our labour to come into fruition. I am not a very patient baker, let’s be honest, and, with the exception of slow proving bread dough, I do love instant gratification. And I am yet to meet -or create- a child that doesn’t second this inclination. Raffi, my eldest, 11-3/4 years old, is definitely not the type of person who can sit and wait for longer than 20 minutes (this proclivity extends further than just baking…). Which is very fortunate because this recipe takes about 10 minutes to make and 10 minutes to bake!

It’s one of our favourite dunking biscuit (Italians love to dunk sweets in coffee, milk and even wine!) and the recipe is included in my latest book (number 4!!) LOVE, LAUGH, BAKE!

I hope you will enjoy this as much as we do!


Silvia and Raffi


INGREDIENTS, makes 10-12

200 g (1-1/2 cups) self-raising flour

100 g caster sugar

1 egg

seeds of 1 vanilla bean

3 tablespoons vegetable oil (or olive oil)

85 g thick Greek yoghurt

finely grated zest of 1 lemon


Preheat your oven to 170 C (340 F) and line a baking tray with baking paper. Place all the ingredients in a food processor fitted with a blade.

Mix for 15–20 seconds or until a sticky dough forms.

Divide the dough into 10 portions then, using wet hands, roll it into little

sausages, about 5 x 1 cm. Place them on the prepared tray, leaving plenty of

room for spreading, and bake for 18–20 minutes or until cooked through and

lightly golden on top. Cool on the tray for a few minutes, then transfer to a

wire rack to cool completely.




SILVIA’S CUCINA is available in stores and online!

MADE IN ITALY is available herehere   and here

LA DOLCE VITA is available online  on Amazon  and here

Silvia’s Cucina is on Facebook Twitter and Instagram

My new book LOVE, LAUGH, BAKE is out now!!!!


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