Korean Purple Rice (Rice Cooker and Stovetop Method)

Making Korean purple rice (heukmi bap) is so easy with a rice cooker or on the stovetop. This nutty, hearty side dish is made with white short grain rice mixed with a bit of sweet black rice. This perfect blend of white rice and the nutritious black variety creates a beautiful purple-hued dish. It goes great with many Korean dishes such as galbi tang (short rib soup) and side dishes like kimchi!

Korean purple rice in a gold bowl.

My boys love their “purple rice.” We order it every time we visit our local Korean restaurant and it goes so well with Korean bbq meats and soups. The boys have been asking me to make this at home, and I couldn’t believe how simple and easy it is to make, especially with a rice cooker. If you don’t have a rice cooker, you can easily make this recipe on the stovetop as well! I usually cook Jasmine rice (which is a long grain), but since I have short grain rice (for sushi rice) already, all I needed for the recipe was black sweet rice.

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