Cowboy Caviar Recipe (Quick and Easy!)

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This Cowboy Caviar recipe is an easy Tex-Mex dip that is bursting with fresh ingredients and served with crunchy tortilla chips or spooned onto tacos. Perfect for your next gathering, it’s the ultimate crowd-pleasing appetizer! Need another appetizer dip idea? Try my 7 Layer Dip!

cowboy caviar in bowl

Why You’ll Live This Cowboy Caviar Recipe

It’s hard to put into words just how much I love cowboy caviar. Healthy, crunchy and fresh with all those Mexican flavors we love. Plus it’s the best excuse to eat all the chips you want. Not only is it delicious with chips, but it is also great on tacos, burritos or piled high onto nachos. I even added a few spoonfuls over some scrambled eggs with a little avocado too!

Gluten Free! This recipe is all vegetables and beans, a great source of protein and vitamins so pick up some tortilla or corn chips and enjoy Vegetarian and Gluten-Free Cowboy Caviar. To make this dip vegan omit the honey for regular sugar (just make sure to dissolve it well into the dressing).

beans and corn in bowl

Ingredients Needed for Cowboy Caviar

There are lots of different ways to make Cowboy Caviar, so recipes will vary. I really love the ease and versatility of this recipe. Here is the ingredient list of every thing you’ll need:

  • Canned Beans – I like to use black beans, white beans and red kidney beans, but really, any bean will do, as long as you rinse them well before adding. Mix and match with types of beans you like – maybe pinto beans, garbanzo beans or black-eyed peas.
  • Fresh Corn – sweet corn to be exact. For an extra delicious twist on the recipe try grilling your corn and then cutting it off the cob. Or if you are looking to speed this recipe up, use canned corn.
  • Fresh Tomatoes – you can use on the vine tomatoes, Roma tomatoes or your own homegrown tomatoes.
  • Onion – the recipe calls for red onion which has a mild flavor but if you don’t like red onions you can replace it with a yellow onion.
  • Jalapeño – control your spice levels by either leaving in the seeds or scraping them out.
  • Cilantro – for taste and for presentation. If you absolutely can’t stand cilantro, just leave it out and add parsley, green onions, or chives instead.

For the Marinade

The other part of Cowboy Caviar that is equally as important is the marinade. This is the sweet, spicy, smoky part that really amps up the flavor and takes this from good to great.

  • White Balsamic Vinegar – this brings its signature sweet and sour taste to the dressing. Red wine vinegar is a good substitute.
  • Garlic – you can’t go wrong with fresh garlic.
  • Cumin – for an earthy, nutty, spicy flavor!
  • Smoked Paprika – for a smoky taste!
  • Honey – to balance out all the savory flavors with some sweetness.
  • Pantry Staples– salt and black pepper, avocado oil (or vegetable or olive oil)

Cowboy Caviar with avocado: If you have it, feel free to add in a little diced avocado to your Cowboy Caviar. If you’re making this in advance, squeeze some fresh lime juice over your avocado pieces BEFORE adding it into your dip ensure your avocado stays green! Ripe avocado has a tendency to mush easily the more you stir it (which doesn’t make super pretty dip) but still delicious. If this is a non-issue for you, feel free to add it in. I don’t include it in the recipe directions because I prefer avocado-free Cowboy Caviar but again, feel free to add it in as you like.

chopped jalapenos, onion and tomato in bowl

How to Make Cowboy Caviar

This is a super simple dip recipe that doesn’t take much time at all. For full details, including ingredient measurements, see the recipe card down below. Here are step by step directions for making this hearty dip:

1. Combine Beans + Veggies

Open cans of beans and corn. Drain using a colander and rinse well. Pour into a large bowl. Add in tomatoes, onion, jalapeńo, and cilantro. Stir together.

Be sure to chop all fresh ingredients into small pieces, about the same size as the beans. Since you want this Cowboy Caviar to be scoop-able, the smaller the pieces the better.

2. Make the Vinaigrette Dressing

In a small bowl, whisk all dressing ingredients together and pour over the bean mixture. Give it a good stir to coat. Taste and adjust seasonings as needed. Serve with tortilla chips.

Storage + Make Ahead Directions for Cowboy Caviar

The longer this sits the more delicious it becomes. Luckily for you (and me!) Cowboy Caviar can last up to 3-4 days in an airtight container in the refrigerator.

Make Ahead- Although this recipe tastes better with time, be wary about your vegetables getting soggy. I’d make this recipe a day ahead and then eat the leftovers as soon as possible. Which is pretty easy since it is SO tasty!

FreezingI would not recommend freezing this recipe especially because it is super quick to throw together anyways.

cowboy caviar in glass bowl

More Dip Recipes to Try!

If you are looking for more dip recipes, look no further, I’ve got a ton of yummy ones to try!

This colorful Cowboy Caviar is a perfect summer appetizer! It feeds a lot of people and super quick to throw together. The printable recipe card below! Grab your favorite chips and enjoy, friends! 🙂

If you make this recipe, I would really appreciate it if you would give it a star rating and leave your review in the comments! If you have a picture of your finished dish, post it on Instagram using the hashtag #laurenslatest and tagging me @laurens_latest.

cowboy caviar in bowl
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