Leadership Training for the Real World

Our reader poll today asks: How aware are you of your team’s level of burnout?

  • I’m extremely aware of when they’re getting burned out 15.55%
  • I’m very aware of them getting burned out 39.19%
  • I’m generally aware but sometimes miss the signs 29.73%
  • I’m not as aware as I need to be 11.48%
  • I’m not aware at all of how burned out they are 4.05%

Pay attention to the burn. If your team is burned out, it can destroy productivity, morale, and ultimately lead to attrition when they leave to find less stressful jobs. It doesn’t take much to check in on their well-being. Pay attention to what they’re saying and not saying. If all they talk about is deadlines, projects, and pressures but you never hear about relationships, colleagues, friends, and family, they might be overly-consumed by their work. Watch their hours. Evaluate their physical presence and energy. It’s not hard to pick up on burnout… when you actually look for it. Help them prioritize and get low-value work off their plates. They may have a hard time saying “no” to work but you’re in a position to help them do that. Investing a little time and effort into taking care of their stress levels is good for them, good for you, and good for the organization.

Mike Figliuolo at thoughtLEADERS, LLC

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These results were originally a SmartPulse poll in SmartBrief on Leadership which tracks feedback from more than 240,000 business leaders. Get smarter on leadership and sign up for the SmartBrief on Leadership e-newsletter.

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