Leadership Training for the Real World

Our reader poll today asks: What portion of your team works remotely?

  • We’re 100% remote 14.61%
  • We’re 75-99% remote 13.78%
  • We’re 50-74% remote 15.70%
  • We’re 25-49% remote 16.25% 
  • We’re less than 25% remote 19.00%
  • We’re 100% onsite 20.66%

Staying connected. 43% of you are spending more than 50% of your time working remotely, as are your teams. While the benefits of remote work are clear (less wasted time on travel, saving money, having freedom to work in a comfortable environment), it presents an ever-increasing leadership challenge. It is hard to substitute for real human connection. While video chat can help with that, there are interactions that don’t translate (like body language, facial expressions when someone has their camera off or is on of many squares on a crowded screen, etc.). Your job as a leader is to find ways to stay connected to your team beyond those superficial video, email, or chat interactions. A team member that feels disconnected from the organization can suffer morale issues and present a productivity or even attrition risk. Spend some time today connecting more deeply with your team members to keep them engaged.

Mike Figliuolo at thoughtLEADERS, LLC

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These results were originally a SmartPulse poll in SmartBrief on Leadership which tracks feedback from more than 240,000 business leaders. Get smarter on leadership and sign up for the SmartBrief on Leadership e-newsletter.

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