• Spellbound at Pemberley

    Spellbound at Pemberley by Abigail Reynolds

    Spellbound at Pemberley by Abigail Reynolds is $2.49 at Amazon! I thought this might appeal to the Bitchery as there is a magical Darcy. And also the description mentions dragons!

    Fitzwilliam Darcy is a powerful mage and master of illusions. His abilities make him the perfect man for a dangerous mission to end the devastating war with Napoleon – a mission that would leave him little chance of returning alive. When he meets the enchanting Elizabeth Bennet, whose magical Talents are as deep as they are inexplicable, he knows he needs her help. And there’s only one way to get that – marriage. Immediately.

    Elizabeth wants nothing to do with his plan. Marrying Darcy would mean breaking her strong and beloved magical bond to Longbourn and giving up the use of her Talent forever. Then dragons enter the war in Europe, and England’s survival hangs in the balance. And Elizabeth must make the ultimate sacrifice.

    In this first book of the Fitzwilliam Darcy, Mage trilogy, dragons are already watching their newlywed journey to Pemberley, and a shocking discovery will force them to question everything they believe. Can they learn to trust each other and work together to save their country–and their lives?

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  • The Midwinter Mail-Order Bride

    The Midwinter Mail-Order Bride by Kati Wilde

    Some might call Princess Anja of Ivermere brave for offering herself up as a bride to Kael the Conqueror, a barbarian warlord who’d won his crown by the bloodied edge of his sword. It was not courage that drove Anja from her magic-wielding family’s enchanted palace, however, but a desperate attempt to secure a kingdom of her own — even if she has to kill the Conqueror to do it. She expects pain beneath his brutal touch as she awaits her chance. She expects death if he discovers the truth of her intentions.

    She didn’t expect Kael to reject her and send her back to Ivermere.

    Raised in the ashes of the Dead Lands, Kael fears nothing — certainly not the beautiful sorceress who arrives at his mountain stronghold. And no matter how painful his need for her, he has no use for a bride who would only tolerate his kiss. Yet the more of Anja’s secrets he uncovers during their journey to return her home, the more determined he becomes to win the princess’s wary heart.

    And Kael the Conqueror has never been defeated…

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  • The Candid Life of Meena Dave

    The Candid Life of Meena Dave by Namrata Patel

    The Candid Life of Meena Dave by Namrata Patel is $2.49! This was mentioned on the site before. I believe this one skews more toward women’s fiction or fiction with strong romantic elements. Have you read this one?

    A woman embarks on an unexpected journey into her past in an engrossing novel about identity, family secrets, and rediscovering the need to belong.

    Meena Dave is a photojournalist and a nomad. She has no family, no permanent address, and no long-term attachments, preferring to observe the world at a distance through the lens of her camera. But Meena’s solitary life is turned upside down when she unexpectedly inherits an apartment in a Victorian brownstone in historic Back Bay, Boston.

    Though Meena’s impulse is to sell it and keep moving, she decides to use her journalistic instinct to follow the story that landed her in the home of a stranger. It’s a mystery that comes with a series of hidden clues, a trio of meddling Indian aunties, and a handsome next-door neighbor. For Meena it’s a chance for newfound friendships, community, and culture she never thought possible. And a window into her past she never expected.

    Now as everything unknown to Meena comes into focus, she must reconcile who she wants to be with who she really is.

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  • To Kiss a Thief

    To Kiss a Thief by Susanna Craig

    To Kiss a Thief by Susanna Craig is $1.99! This was featured in August 2016 Hide You Wallet post. Redheadedgirl said, “Second chance, arranged marriage, secrets and lies, basically full of catnips. All the catnips.” But reviews on Goodreads that the hero is a bit undeserving of the heroine. The next book in the series is on sale for 99c as well!

    Can a marriage made for money blossom into something more?

    Sarah Sutliffe, Lady Fairfax, dreams of love—until she overhears her new husband proclaim his heart will never be hers. Devastated, she offers no defense when a sapphire necklace disappears during a ball and she is accused of its theft. Instead, she runs away from the scandal…and the heartbreak.

    St. John, Viscount Fairfax, has sworn never to love again. How could a mousy merchant’s daughter tempt him to break that vow? Three years after Sarah vanished, St. John uncovers her hiding place. Now, he’s out to prove she’s a thief before she steals his heart.

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