World Autism Awareness Day: A Letter from Ann Marie Sullivan, CEO of Spectrum Works

Dear Valued Sponsors and Donors,

Spectrum Works has grown to a point where our future looks strong and the impact opportunity significant and broad. I am profoundly grateful for the support of MTS Logistics, all the MTS Bike event sponsors and supporters, our partner companies, and our amazing staff!

Thanks to your support, Spectrum Works has made great strides since launching a pilot program in 2013 and is driving significant social change! Spectrum Works’ unique approach educates companies that autistic individuals can be valuable productive workers and provides various programs to help companies build more inclusive workforces. Our model helps autistic young adults live up to their potential for stable, successful, economically self-sufficient lives. In short, our efforts have a lot of real-world impact.

Current support for autistic adults who are no longer in high school is extremely limited and there are few opportunities for them to find meaningful employment.

Unlike most other job training programs, all our participants are paid and learn the value of their hard work. We also provide a more comprehensive program model, not only providing on-the-job training but also our soft skills training that teaches the importance of punctuality/attendance, stress management, self-advocacy, communicating with coworkers, and other important professional skills. While following a similar structure, our new internship program is different from our existing programs as it is designed to be a direct pipeline from internship to employment (as it focuses on individuals no longer in high school).

Competitive job placement at the partner company or at another company is the goal for all interns after they complete the 4-month program. Due to our partnerships with various companies, the participants who navigate the program successfully, demonstrating sufficient levels of productivity and autonomy, have the chance to become directly employed by one of these companies if a position is available.

Hear from current and former participants.

Their stories highlight Spectrum Works’ unique value proposition for our partner companies, which includes providing a direct pipeline for recruiting new talent that is dedicated, loyal, and highly likely to remain in their positions over the long term.


From Intern to Valued Employee. Upon receiving a job offer from our partner company, Deon said “This is the greatest day of my life.” Three months later, he was Employee of the Month at Bergen Logistics for his quality work and his positive attitude.


“I love Spectrum Works. Everyone is so friendly and helpful. I learned how to do different jobs and got to work at different places. Thanks to Spectrum Works, I was able to get a job at Old Navy.


“I have become more responsible and independent, and I credit that to working with Spectrum Works. I like to imagine that five years from now I will be successful and even more self-sufficient because of the opportunities and skills I’ve gained. Being at Rent the Runway has been more than just a job for me; it’s been an opportunity to learn something new every day and I feel happy when I get my job done well. I’m really glad Rent the Runway and Spectrum Works have come together to create this program.”


“Spectrum Works has provided me with the amazing opportunity to secure a job that I truly enjoy at Rent the Runway. This program is wonderful and made even better by the job coaches like Beverly and Chanel, who have taken the time to understand my preferences and support me in finding the perfect job placement. It feels good to genuinely love my job and I can really envision a long-term future here.

I am proud of the over 600 students that have participated in our programs. They have profoundly impacted my life and inspire me every day! At this year’s Bike Tour with MTS for Autism, now in its 14th year, one of our students and one graduate who found work through our program will give a short speech so that everyone has the opportunity to meet the individuals that are impacted by our program and your generous donations.

As we continue on this journey, we are amplifying our shared commitment to breaking down barriers and redefining inclusivity in the workplace. I am excited to ride this year alongside such a caring group of people! A special thank you to MTS President Sedat Saka and the entire MTS team for making this impactful event possible!

Kind regards,

Ann Marie Sullivan
CEO, Spectrum Works
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