Why Your Spirit Irritates Their Demons » Mazzastick

This article covers why some people will never like you because your spirit irritates their demons.

The word spirit in this context refers to your unique energy blueprint, which is who you are on an energetic level.

Within the intricate web of human connections, we frequently encounter individuals whose internal conflicts materialize as “demons” – negative emotions, insecurities, or unresolved issues.

This article delves into the notion that your vibrant spirit, characterized by positivity, authenticity, and resilience, can stir discomfort within the demons residing in others.

Why do people treat you poorly for no reason?

They won’t like you, want you around, or make you feel good about yourself because your light irritates their demons.

You’re just doing yourself and being yourself and not bothering anyone.

You’re pleasant to everybody, don’t bother anyone, treat everyone with respect, and some people will hate and treat you poorly.

No matter what you do, say, or give to them, they will never truly like or respect you. This is not about you; it’s about them.

In most cases, the people are not demonic; instead, a demonic spirit has made a home in that person.

You can’t remove them from their pain; you can only move on when others behave irrationally toward you.

People can be harsh toward you for no reason. They lie about you; they’re rude to you for no reason.

They see the light inside you. They’re intimidated by your shine because they lack it.

When people see the light inside you, you force them to look at themselves, self-reflect, and face their demons.

Keep shining bright, have faith, and know your enemy.

You have greatness in you, and you must know that it will trigger the haters around you.

This article explores the idea that your spirit can irritate and overcome the demons that may stand in your way.

Your Spirit Irritates Their Demons. Michael Slaying Satan.

The phrase “your spirit irritates their demons” conveys the idea that your positive and strong spiritual presence may be unsettling or bothersome to negative influences or inner struggles (referred to metaphorically as “demons”).

In a broader sense, it could imply that your positive energy and resilience may disrupt or challenge negative forces or personal difficulties that others may be dealing with.

Some People Will Never Like You

Some people will never like you because your spirit irritates their demons. It’s not you; you’re not broken; it’s their brokenness that your light illuminates. They feel “less than” when they’re around you.

And they still won’t like you.

You could find the cure for cancer, solve world hunger, and bring about world peace, and some people will still never like you.

I’ve noticed that some people I’m around regularly seem not to like me, no matter what I do or say.

After researching, I discovered all people have inner demons that were never dealt with.

In most cases, you are not the problem; it’s the spirits within that they are not fully aware of.

In a healthy society, your relationships keep you aware of when your demons are taking over. You are not to punish someone when their demons are taking over but to guide each other back to the path of their true nature.

You can see these negative spirits daily.

The world is full of all kinds of spirits. 

  1. Jealous
  2. Fearful
  3. Intimidated
  4. Gossipy
  5. Delusional
  6. Hateful
  7. Lack of self-motivation/esteem
  8. Insecure
  9. Threatened
  10. Narcissistic

Ignore the haters. They don’t understand your purpose or your greatness. It is almost as if they are afraid of changing for the better in the presence of someone in a better place.

You can’t heal them directly. They have to do the work and heal their shadow self.

Your Spirit Irritates Their Demons

Related: Warning signals you’re dealing with a dark empath

Are Some People Demons?

Be cautious of new people coming into your life. Only some people have good intentions on why they want to be your friend or get into a relationship with you. 

Some people are sent into our lives to help us, and some are sent to destroy us. Discernment is critical here.

I view people as children of God and treat them as such. However, some people do not treat me the same way.

While some are too self-absorbed to care about others genuinely, others are under devilish energies.

What are the telltale signs of demonic possession?

  1. Greed. Values money and material/ worldly things over people.
  2. Superiority. They see themselves above you and can mistreat you because of their position.
  3. Lack of empathy. They will cause you pain and suffering, and feel nothing about it. They also revel in your misery if you are facing difficulty.
  4. Loves chaos. They love to disrupt the natural order and harmony of life. 
  5. Liar. They have no problem spreading lies, gossip, and rumors to the detriment of others.
  6. Low Key Haters. These people are decent to your face, but behind your back, they are talking smack and trying to bring you down.
  7. Provoke you to overreact. These people will push and prod you to get you to rage and then play the victim to the circumstances they created.
  8. Energy Drainers. These people will use up every ounce of your money, time, attention, and resources to your detriment.
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Why They’ll Never Like You

I’ve seen this with my own eyes and have experienced someone not liking me for no apparent reason.

Sometimes, they don’t like you because of a misunderstanding. Other times, they may not like you because someone may have lied to them and said you said something negative about them.

Lastly, they don’t like you because you remind them of someone they don’t like.

I can sense when someone is dealing with negative energies. Whether about me or not.

Some people are angry and may take it out on you if they believe they can. 

This is a psychological projection.

Psychological projection is a defense mechanism people subconsciously employ to cope with complicated feelings or emotions. 

Psychological projection involves projecting undesirable feelings or emotions onto someone else rather than admitting to or dealing with the unwanted feelings.

For example, a bully may project their feelings of vulnerability onto their target. A confused person will project their confusion and inadequacy onto others.

Projection is unconsciously taking unwanted emotions or traits you don’t like about yourself and attributing them to someone else. 

In my life, I’ve been the victim of unwarranted psychological projection attacks. 

At the time, I believed I was responsible for their transgressions; now, I know they had unprocessed emotions they hadn’t dealt with and used me as a mirror, a reflection to release and feel their unwanted feelings.

Don’t be someone’s movie screen; you can help them feel, process, release, and accept their feelings instead of being projected onto them.

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We All Have Demons

I won’t sit here and type this and pretend I am perfect without fault. I have demons. You have demons, and so does everyone else.

The difference is I work on these inner demons or devils, if you will, and will not let them control me.

But how do you do this? It’s through a process called shadow work and healing your shadow self.

It’s also about accepting and not denying your feelings.

Think about it. Have you ever been triggered by something someone said or did?

You may have reacted negatively toward them because you did not like what they said or did.

These emotional triggers can be altered so you don’t get upset or disturbed easily.

  1. Radiating Positivity: Your positive energy can act as a catalyst for change in the lives of those around you. Negativity and self-doubt, demons within others, find it challenging to coexist with a spirit that radiates optimism. By embodying a positive attitude, you become a beacon of light that irritates the darkness within others.
  2. Authenticity as a Mirror: Authenticity is a powerful force that reflects back to others the need for self-discovery. The demons of conformity and pretense are unsettled by authenticity. When you embrace your true self, it encourages others to confront their own inner conflicts and break free from the chains of societal expectations.
  3. Resilience Inspires Change: Demonstrating resilience in adversity can inspire those grappling with their own demons. Your ability to bounce back from setbacks showcases the strength of the human spirit, encouraging others to find similar resilience within themselves and confront the challenges they face.
  4. Compassion as a Balm: Compassion can soothe the demons of pain and suffering within others. By offering understanding and support, you become a force that counteracts the negative emotions that may haunt someone. Your compassionate spirit can create a healing environment that eases others’ inner turmoil.
  5. Encouraging Self-Reflection: Your vibrant spirit can act as a mirror, prompting others to self-reflect. When faced with authenticity, positivity, and resilience, individuals may be compelled to examine their own lives, confront their demons, and embark on self-improvement and personal growth.
  6. Inspiring Positive Change: Your spirit’s irritation can be a catalyst for positive transformation. As you navigate life with enthusiasm, purpose, and a commitment to personal development, those around you may find motivation to embark on their own journey of change. Your spirit becomes a catalyst for breaking free from the demons holding others back.
  7. Nurturing Healthy Connections: Creating a supportive and uplifting environment fosters healthy connections that can help others overcome their inner demons. Positive relationships and a sense of community contribute to a shared spirit of encouragement and empowerment, enabling individuals to face and conquer challenges collectively.

Carl Jung – Demons – Shadow Self

Psychologist Carl Jung describes this demon phenomenon as “the Shadow.” Jung is famous for formulating the concept of the shadow, the portion of our personality that is relegated to the darkness of the unconscious throughout our lives.

In 1886, before Jung made his mark, Robert Louis Stevenson created the now-famous story of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. In his novel, Dr. Jekyll represents the good part of one’s personality.

Still, when he transforms into Mr. Hyde, his shadow personality gains dominance over him and wreaks havoc on his life.

It is frightening that man also has a shadow side, consisting not just of little weaknesses and foibles but of a positively demonic dynamism.

The individual seldom knows anything of this; to him, as an individual, it is incredible that he should ever, in any circumstances, go beyond himself.

But let these harmless creatures form a mass, and there emerges a raging monster; each individual is only one tiny cell in the monster’s body so that for better or worse, he must accompany it on its bloody rampages and even assist it to the utmost.

Suspicious of these grim possibilities, man turns a blind eye to the shadow side of human nature.

He strives blindly against the salutary dogma of original sin, which is so prodigiously true. Yes, he even hesitates to admit the conflict he is painfully aware of.

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We Can Have Our Truths

Someone’s beliefs can cause alot of problems. People tend to get angry at others when their truths differ from theirs.

I like to use the football analogy. 

I believe Bo Jackson was the greatest running back ever, and you think it was Barry Sanders. Since there is no way to prove who was better, we must allow the other person to hold their truth while we have ours.

There is no need for anger or force to get the other to agree with us and vice versa.

This is where humanity is right now. People believe everyone must agree with them, or they are the enemy.

Think as I think, and believe what I believe or else!!!

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Your Spirit Irritates Their Demons – In Closing

In the intricate dance of human connections, your spirit can stir discomfort within the demons residing in others.

You become a transformative force by radiating positivity, embracing authenticity, demonstrating resilience, offering compassion, encouraging self-reflection, inspiring positive change, and nurturing healthy connections.

Like a gentle but powerful wind, your spirit can help others confront and overcome the inner struggles that may hinder their personal growth and happiness.

There may always be individuals who do not have positive feelings towards you.

Human nature seems inclined towards negativity and darkness. More so than the light and positivity.

Negative energy is all around us – tempting us to react and drain our positive energy.

The darkness will always hate the light. If you are reading this, you most likely are a Lightworker, Earth Angel, or Chosen One.

Your presence alone, the light you carry, will bother some people. The demons that people have can’t stand the light inside of you.

Your light, your truth, and who you are will irritate the demons in others. 

We live on a planet with billions of people. We’re not all going to get along, agree on everything, and have the same values and beliefs.

It’s OK to agree to disagree. However, we don’t have to vilify anyone who is programmed differently.

The best thing to do is to find your soul tribe/ kindred spirit family, which consists of those beings who resonate at the same spiritual frequency as you do. 

You’ll never feel like you’re not enough, worthy, or less than in their presence.

Let’s face it. It’s hard enough to change ourselves; it’s even harder to change others.

Be very careful about the company you keep! One person can destroy your life.

I’d rather be alone than in the company of others of a different spirit than I am.

You have to protect yourself and your energy at all times. Please stay away from toxic people and their demons.

When people point out things about you, sometimes they’re true and sometimes false.

Your haters will say false things, and your true friends will be “real” with you.

Remember, Devils and Demons are real, but so are Angels.

⇒Read Next: Keep On Leveling Up

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