Welcome to 2022 – The Carnivore Dad

I received an email today asking about the site and my progress. Unfortunately, their email address seems incorrect and has bounced back.

I didn’t realize I hadn’t posted on the site for a few years. Time is a funny thing, especially when working from home and falling into a routine because of Covid. Which I did get in 2020. I was down for about 2 weeks and was fortunate it wasn’t too bad, especially since I have asthma. In any event, I wanted to give a quick update on where I’ve been and see if I can start blogging again.

I fell off the diet for a few months in 2019. I was traveling and had several family vacations. Also, I am addicted to sugary foods and fried foods.  When I eat a little of them, the cravings get bad. For example, its nothing for me to eat a box of apple fruit pies.  That’s about 8 fried apple pies that are each about 3×3 inches squared.  In any case, I put on about 35 pounds before I got going Carnivore again. I’ve been back on it about 85% of the time and dropped about 9 pounds and then stalled.  I’ve been around 169-173 for about 2 years now.  

I was following Ted Naiman’s  workout routine but it started to get too time consuming because the number of reps it took to get to failure grew as I lost weight and got stronger. I was around 158 pushups when I fell off the diet. I started doing them again but realized I was getting bored with it in December of 2021 and joined a local gym.  Now, I still do a few things to failure such as pull ups and lunges. I also add a weight belt or dumbbells to these two exercises to keep adding to my strength while lowering my overall reps. To keep getting bigger/stronger, you need to add weight, add reps, or add time to get results. I’m not saying Ted’s way didn’t work, I’m just saying I wanted to do something different.

I’m not ready to post any updated pics but I hope to do so in the coming weeks. I’m also going to try dialing back my cheat meals/alcohol consumption. Two vices that I had under control in 2018 seem to be a bit harder to beat now.

Wish me luck and I hope to show and talk more to you all soon.


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