Why Was Michael Jackson So Odd?

I recently wrote a book, and while researching famous Jehovah’s Witnesses I came across a lot of info about Micheal Jackson.

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  1. One of the reasons why I love your channel is you were just so so validating to those of us that have left cults. I left the Mormon church and it does f££ k with your head. It is isolating and you’re not normal and you’re not integrated in normal society and it is so damaging. Thank you so so much for your amazing channel.

  2. I hope this isn’t too TMI but I am ex Mormon and I had been with my previous husband for 17 years and I thought everything was normal and no problems. Swearing was not a thing that was allowed in the Mormon church so when I was intimate for the first time with my second husband, who is not a Mormon And has never had anything to do with the Mormons when we were together I said Frick and he looked down at me and he goes sweetie. You are 37 years old. Just use the real word lol. Yeah us X cult members are strange.

  3. I'm sorry he grew up in an oppressive religion and had an abusive dad but what he did to those kids was sketchy at best. I grew up in a similar cult and I knew having sleepovers with young kids and touching them wasn't ok.

  4. I never once believed that he was inappropriate to the children he invited to his ranch. It does raise eyebrows, but for a harmless reason: Here's an adult who is only just now experiencing how it was like to be a child. Others who had a normal childhood would find MJ's behavior strange.

  5. Are we really trying to say that Michael Jackson isn't a child rapist right now? I'm sorry Owen, no. Michael can be from JW and be a rapist. I believe the victims. I'm kind of disappointed you even said that

  6. Ja Rule family Jehovah witnesses I believe Jay Z mom's was one also. But let's be honest Michael was disfellowshipped after Thriller. So him celebrating Xmas at that time didn't bother the elders.

  7. I think that growing up in a two bedroom house with 10 other people probably conditioned Michael to be used to having other kids in his bed. He may have thought that is the way that kids always sleep or that was the way he was most comfortable.

  8. Michael Jackson's pronouns are… he/he.

  9. I didn’t realize he was a witness and I never knew what a yucky cult they are until I learned it here. Thanks! My Michael theory is if you could empathize with Michael and be super rich and every grownup you meet basically can’t be trusted because you never know what their intentions are. Kids, on the other hand, no, not that hand! Kids just want to have fun and eat snacks.

  10. Her giving mj his first Christmas is so sweet

  11. I hate to say this but I'm kind of shocked and disgusted by the amount of people in these comments defending that sick freak and with the channel's creator, for the same reason. Defending him because he was a mega-star? Well, he was also a mega-pedo who used his "power," status, and celebrity to make a 7-year-old fellate him. Owen you've said other things that I disagree with, but I've let it slide because we're allowed to disagree sometimes, but this is way too much, and all of you others that are ok with it, it's just gross. And before one of you says it, of course he didn't abuse McCauley Culkin, Culkin was already a celebrity; Jackson used him as cover, and Culkin did his job perfectly. Watch "Leaving Neverland," and tell me you still don't think he was as gross on the inside, as he was on the outside. While Copeland was born looking like a monster, Jackson made himself into one, and it was 100% apt. Finally, I'm sorry to say, but Owen, as I stated, this is one opinion I can't support on any level and I'm unsubbing from both channels of yours, that I'm subbed to.

  12. 'Fear guilt and shame' we all feel that at Christmas buddy 🎅😉

  13. Wen I was forced to celebrate a birthday, I was vomiting the way to the restaurant… phuu.

  14. Christmas is creepy to me.

  15. True! He did not fit in and this makes the people suspicious

  16. Was a good cover for a pervert

  17. All of those activities Macy's parade 4th of July New Years were fun and a must for at least the to say I was there then along came that traitor mayor who took all the fun that was NYC😢😱🤢😵🖤!!!

  18. Yeah, Michael was a weird guy. I too was raised as a JW. However when it came to Christmas I understood most of the things they would do but in my house we never shut that part down. We would watch the Christmas movies like "It's a Wonderful Life" and "A Christmas Story". We were not the typical depiction of a JW family despite the fact that my father was a congregation elder. Not all of us were completely isolated but I was still weird too.

  19. He was a sick weirdo, ended up looking transgender. His attraction to young boy’s was very disturbing.

  20. Michael having Christmas reminds me of me at 28 going into a bar that had dancing. I'm surprised my back didn't break from how tense I was. I was clueless. I knew three things. Two drinks an hour to maintain control, maintain eye contact, not every worldly girl is trying to fornicate with me. Yup, I knew that much.

  21. There was absolutely nothing odd about Michael. What is normal? Are you normal?

  22. This is the most reasonable explanation of Micheal’s behavior. While I do like a lot of his songs and admired his singing and dancing talent, he was an odd guy after the Thriller album and even before the allegations occurred. The allegations seemed suspicious to me though.

  23. Michael Jackson became a Jehovah Witness when he was 5. So he, and his older brothers knew of Christmas until he turned 5. He liked to act in many of these videos, and many people buy him not understanding simple things.

    I think yes Jackson didn't have much of a childhood, but that doesn't mean he didn't commit harm to these children. He even admitted to giving children wine called "Jesus Juice' in coke cans and giving them adult magazines. However I was not there, and don't know the full story, nor was anyone else. But there were other children who went over to his home who did have a "normal childhood." So can't explain everything away. He was found not guilty, but that just means the prosecutor couldn't prove enough. Don't bother responding to me as I'll delete your comments

  24. I don’t think Selena Gomez was a JW. However, Selena Quintanilla Perez was a JW. I think people get confused

  25. You know what I think Michael was very naive, way too innocent than the rest of us and he spent his whiole childhood and adolescence sheltered doing nothing but being on stage since the age of 5, he didn't socialize with many people outside of musicians, he just didn't know that society would think it was something wrong or criminal, because he actually did nothing wrong but just watched movies and played video games with the kids like he was one himself because he never had the chance to do it as a kid. Not to mention the horrible abuse from his father. You can see in his behavior since the 70s as a teenager that he was actually childlike. You just can't fake it your whole life. He genuinally enjoyed having fun with animals, in amusement parks, etc, the way kids do. He essentially stayed emotionally suck in that childlike state due to his childhood. He said it himself at the height of his sucess with Thriller at 25 years old that the place he felt more comfortable was on stage, that everything else was new to him, that he was shy and that he was just beginning to learn about people and friendship. At 25. Imagine that. I bet it would be incredibly hard just for someone like you and I, now add in billions of dollars and fame, perfect opportunity to accuse him of these things and get money. He was an easy target, they saw he was vulnerable and took adventage of his kindness and naivety. He just couldn't say no if the children wanted to come to his room, (a 2 stories bedroom), play and sleep in his bed beside him. Cause after all, sleeping on a bed is not a crime and by helping and playing with children, he was helping and nurturing his own inner child. And he was found not guilty on all 14 counts in 2005 anyway.

  26. You have nothing else to talk about? Come on Owen. Stick to what brought me here.

  27. Didn’t know he was JW starting to all make sense

  28. I believe he was innocent, especially seeing how quickly people sling child molester allegations at people different from them that they hate in modern times.

  29. he wanted to delete the thriller video because his church told him it was demonic, he had damnnear a breakdown and cried and immediately told all his managers/promotion team/his people to destroy the thriller video tapes, somebody convinced him not to and thats why he put that wanring at the start of the video. he still stopped all the thriller promotion i think even tho the song was still in its hype phase.

    what made him leave was the smooth criminal music video in 1987. he was shooting with a gun in that video and the watch tower was outraged about his bad representation and gave him an ultimatum, either the chruch or his fame. Jackson struggled but in the end chsoe his career. he still retained a lot of the JW beliefs all the way until his death but he was very confused from that point on spiritually speaking. reading and trying out different beliefs and religions, eastern religions, new age spirituality and more.

    looking back at his statements about still believing in jesus and the bible and private/leaked interviews, his religion ended up being kind of a mix mainly from JW and normal christianity with some of his own interpretations and some new age spirituality at the time of his death.

  30. An abusive father and being a JW and a performing child . That would make anyone weird

  31. The jehovah witness have a great way of finding extremely talented people

  32. Corey Feldman never claimed anything happened either.

  33. This puts his oddness very much more in context. Thank you for the information.

  34. He was a weird dude. But a pedo? No not at all.

  35. I have no clue as to whether he was innocent or not. But great video, very informative.

  36. Prince was a Jehovah's Witness. And he was also a weird dude.

  37. Dude was fine, Honeslty I adored his music growing up, but that's just me. People who have been isolated do weird stuff all the time, Dude was deprived of a childhood, and it may be only because of his religious upbringing, kinda like Mozart, he was a talented musician but he was also eccentric, due to how much his parents work him to the bone to produce his music.

  38. Thank you! I've been thinking about this for a while now; given all the things I've learned about Jehovah's witnesses, then finding out MJ was one, suddenly that made everything so clear to me. I don't think Michael Jackson did any of the things he was accused of, he really was just weird.

  39. I learned that mistletoe is actually a parasitic plant that grows on a number of trees in the US and the Northern Hemisphere, the bushels can the pretty big. I saw them in Northern Florida and Texas

  40. Out of all the things Jehovah witnesses aren't allowed to do, why is being a celebrity especially a child star acceptable? Anything else that would take that much time away from meetings and service, anything else that would require so much worldly association would not be okay. No higher education allowed but being a famous actor or singer even as a child is okay? Also isn't the entertainment industry ran by Satan?

  41. I think it was Selena Quintanilla who was Jehovah's witness, not Selena Gomez

  42. I have been around actual pedofiles. I have autisim and grew up in a controling household he always seemed like he was isolated and never got to have childhood friends abuse and all that he internalised it never turned it into hate he tried to spread joy the joy he never had

  43. You never heard Selena a singer was also a part of Jehovah's Witnesses.

  44. No way you all have seen Surviving Neverland and have all this sympathy

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