Pluto in Aquarius in Relationships — Relationships & Astrology

Today is an important day for planetary energies as Pluto finally moves out of Earthy Capricorn, into Airy Aquarius, for the first time since 1798, where it will stay until 2044! It slips back into Capricorn from June 11th 2023 – Jan 21st 2024, & Sept. 2nd 2024 – Nov. 19th 2024. From now until June, we will get a taster of what this huge shift means individually and in our relationships, as well as collectively!  

Although Capricorn is not particularly a relationship sign, Aquarius is a step further removed from relationships, so it will be interesting to notice subtle and not so subtle changes, in our relationships with family, friends, work colleagues and community groups. 

Pluto’s purpose as it moves through a sign is to transform and transmute. To do so, it initially needs to dredge up whatever isn’t working in that sign. The primary focus of Aquarius is equality and justice. Aquarius is a sign that incites rebellion and revolution in the name of ideals, and it has its own particular take on what ‘right and wrong’ mean. This makes it a lot less flexible than what we may imagine, for such an individualistic and idealistic sign.  

Aquarius is more concerned with the wellbeing of the group over the individual, so our focus in developing relationships, is likely to move somewhat from the ‘warm and fuzzy’ feel we get when we meet someone, to an attraction to similar ideals and world views. Friendships may feel more of a priority over the next 20 years, with lots of changes likely to take place in our friendship groups, as we search for our intellectual, rather than emotional ‘tribe’.    

Research[1] has shown that there has been a decrease in sexual activity. Although this research is limited to the US and does not include the past 2 years, I have not seen any recent research to contradict these findings. With Pluto moving through Aquarius, long distance relationships are likely to become even more common, leading to less physical contact.  

As Pluto in Aquarius will most probably highlight financial inequalities in our global society, rebellions and revolutions are likely to increase, potentially highlighting differences in ideals amongst generational family groups.  

As an Air sign, Aquarius has the ability to detach and see the bigger picture, rather than get lost in detail. This may help individuals in toxic dysfunctional relationships, to see more clearly the reality of their relationship and to make different choices for themselves. Equality in relationships is likely to be a major issue, with inequality between genders in raising children, work balance, home life etc. being highlighted and being addressed both within families and collectively. Non traditional relationships are likely to become increasingly part of the collective norm, and science focusing on helping all genders to birth a child, is likely to evolve over this period in time. 

Some Things to Consider

All close relationships are fundamentally based on intimacy, and intimacy develops through emotional, as well as physical closeness. Much as intellectual connections are wonderfully exciting and stimulating, particularly in friendships, without emotional intelligence, close relationship cannot thrive. As Pluto changes signs, a key task in relationships may be to consciously maintain emotional and physical intimacy with our loved ones, within a context of equality and fairness for all. Compassion and flexibility may need to be worked on, in favor of being ‘intellectually right’ when dealing with conflicts. Ultimately, loving relationships will always thrive on love based on empathy, kindness, respect and compassion – for ourselves and others. MG 

[1] People Have Been Having Less Sex–whether They’re Teenagers or 40-Somethings – Scientific American

Margaret Gray
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