Marketing Strategies For Vacation Rentals For The Low Season

woman with a suitcase arriving at a vacation rental property

One of the challenges for many vacation rental owners is the fluctuating nature of bookings and the inevitable lean periods that come with the low season. The winter months, outside of school holidays, can be particularly difficult for holiday home owners looking to maintain occupancy rates and maximise revenue. However, effective marketing can certainly help increase the visibility of your property, drive more direct bookings and enhance engagement with potential guests. So what are the key marketing strategies for vacation rentals that can help to even out seasonal trends and boost your occupancy rate?

Optimise Your Website for Direct Bookings

The quieter months offer a good opportunity to undertake those tasks that you never get around to when you’re super-busy. One of the most valuable but often neglected marketing strategies for vacation rentals is digital marketing and more specifically, your website. Use this time to review, update and improve your online presence as follows:

Create a Compelling Homepage:

Your website’s homepage is the first impression potential guests will have of your property. Make sure it is visually appealing and highlights the unique benefits of your property during the winter months. Include high-quality images of your property including amenities that may make it even more appealing in the cooler months such as an indoor fireplace.

Improve User Experience (UX):

A seamless user experience can significantly boost direct bookings. Ensure your website is easy to navigate, loads quickly, and is mobile-friendly, as a significant amount of bookings are made via mobile devices. And make sure that you have added a booking engine to allow you to take advantage of those all-important direct bookings.

Use SEO Best Practices:

Optimise your website content for search engines to increase your visibility online. This is referred to as SEO. Use keywords related to winter vacations, holiday homes and your location. This will help attract more organic traffic to your site.

Offer Winter Specials:

Entice visitors with winter deals and promotions. Display them prominently on your website and make booking them as straightforward as possible.

Connect to a Channel Manager

Once you’ve got your website ‘up-to-scratch’ you can begin to think about how to get more visibility for your holiday home business. When it comes to marketing strategies for vacation rentals connecting a channel manager can be an easy way to get your property listed on multiple platforms such as Airbnb, Google Hotels, Stayz and Vrbo. It also enables you to display the real-time availability and price of your holiday home.

Broaden Your Distribution:

A channel manager connects your property to various online travel agencies (OTAs) and booking platforms, increasing your reach beyond your website and social media.

Manage Your Listings Efficiently:

Use a channel manager to keep your availability, rates, and bookings synchronised across all platforms. This not only saves time but also reduces the risk of overbooking.

Analyse Performance:

Most channel managers offer analytics tools. Use these insights to understand where your bookings are coming from and adjust your marketing strategies accordingly.

Choose the Right Platform:

Select a channel manager that integrates well with other tools you use and supports all the channels that are relevant to your target audience.

Leverage Social Media to Increase Engagement

Your social media presence is a great tool when it comes to marketing strategies for vacation rentals. It represents a great opportunity to showcase all that’s great – not just about your holiday home but about the local area.

Regular Posts and Updates:

Keep your audience engaged by regularly posting about your property. Share current local experiences including events or special offers. Use high-quality images and videos to attract attention.

Engage with Your Community:

Social media is not just about broadcasting but also engaging. Respond to comments, participate in local groups, and create interactive content like polls or contests related to winter vacations.

Utilise Paid Advertising:

Invest in targeted ads on platforms like Facebook and Instagram to reach potential guests who are interested in a winter getaway. Use compelling visuals and direct calls to action to drive bookings.

Promote Guest Reviews:

Positive reviews are influential. Share guest testimonials on your social media to build trust and encourage bookings.

Marketing your vacation rental property during the winter doesn’t have to be daunting. By optimising your website, actively engaging on social media and utilising a channel manager, you can increase your property’s visibility, drive more direct bookings and stay connected with potential guests. With these strategies, you can turn the winter season into a bustling, profitable time for your holiday home.

At HiRUM we’ve been supporting holiday rental property owners for over 30 years. We’re the property management software experts that vacation rental businesses have been turning to to grow their bookings, increase profitability and save them valuable time. In fact, we’re an Airbnb Preferred Software Partner as we were one of the first to establish strong integration with their platform.

Our industry-leading holiday rental management software makes increasing visibility of your property and growing your vacation rental income a breeze. With an Australian-based customer support team that you can actually speak to, we have an outstanding reputation and extensive industry experience. Give the team a call now on 07 5574 4990 or contact us for a free demonstration of our software.


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