Analyzing the Nutritional Content of Keto Yogurt — Keto Hope Foundation

In the US alone, there are over 100 yogurt production businesses. When it comes to the world of yogurts, you’ve got options… flavors, textures, ingredients, and nutritional content are all areas where yogurts can differ! All of these options and differences can make it difficult to determine the best keto yogurt.  When following a ketogenic diet, macros matter so how do we determine which yogurt to choose? 

Do all yogurts contain probiotics? 

Most (not all) yogurts contain probiotics but keep in mind that the good bacteria in yogurt must be alive at high enough levels to provide a potential health benefit. Some yogurt products are heat-treated after the culturing process, which damages or destroys the microbes.

Traditional bacterial strains used to make yogurt are Streptococcus thermophilus and Lactobacillus bulgaricus. In addition to these two strains of bacteria, some yogurts have added additional bacteria strains to help support gut health such as Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium. Keep in mind that added probiotics may cause the flavor to be more sour.  

Common Types of Yogurt Used in Keto 

  • Standard yogurt, just like cow’s milk, standard yogurt contains carbohydrates from the milk sugar “lactose” but often a lot of added sugar is present as well.

  • Greek yogurt contains a lower amount of carbohydrates and a higher amount of protein than standard yogurt. The fat content of Greek yogurt typically maxes out at 5% milk fat. Greek yogurt (if eaten plain and unsweetened) can have a slightly sour taste and is very thick. Think sour cream but more protein and less fat.

  • Coconut/almond yogurt is made with coconut and almond milk instead of cow’s milk. They check the box for plant-based options that can be beneficial for those with a dairy allergy/intolerance. Keep in mind that nut-based yogurts may not naturally have calcium or probiotics so be sure to buy a brand that adds these two components. In general, nut-based yogurts contain more calories, less protein and carbohydrates, and significantly more fat compared to cow ’s-based yogurt. 

Note: Always keep in mind that nutritional information varies widely between different yogurts. Always read the label closely. 

Onto flavoring, there are natural flavors, added sugar, added fruit, added candy/cookies (mix-ins), artificial sweeteners, and extracts all with the goal of creating more flavor – sweetness being one of those. Since carbohydrates are limited on a ketogenic diet, the yogurts that typically work best would be the ones utilizing artificial sweeteners or the plain, unsweetened versions. With plain, unsweetened, there’s always the option to add your own sweetener of choice, and/or natural ways of sweetening/altering the flavor. 

Topping ideas to increase fat and add some texture: 

  • Unsweetened Coconut Flakes

  • Nuts: Pecans & Macadamia 

  • Keto Granola (NuTrail, for example)

  • Peanut Butter Mousse

  • Chocolate Chips: Lily’s or Choc Zero

Kids like mix-ins, so being able to add something to break up the thicker mouthfeel will help with acceptance. The coconut yogurts will be higher in fat and lower in protein so are easier to incorporate mix-ins without adding more fat.

Flavoring ideas: 

  • Choc Zero or Walden Farms Syrups

  • Extracts: Maple, Vanilla, Almond

  • Sweetener Drops: Stevia or Monk Fruit (usually 2-3 is more than enough)

We dug into 6 “keto-marketed yogurts” that might be available in your area and determine if; 

1.) Are they truly suitable for a ketogenic diet?

2.) Can we alter them to make them higher in fat? 

We focused on a variety of different yogurts- some milk-based while others are nut-based (coconut and almond). We used coconut oil to add fat as well as pure vanilla extract and liquid Stevia to add some sweetness. We did some taste testing by adding strawberries and pecans. 

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