User Posts: Promises Behavioral Health

Most people know about depression causing physical symptoms, but there are ways that it can also impact your eating habits. How are depression and ...

Depression tends to cause significant changes to your energy levels, libido, and sleeping patterns. Is not eating a sign of depression, though? You ...

You may have heard a curious term if you or a loved one has ever been involved in addiction treatment programs—“grateful alcoholic.” It can be tough ...

The National Institute of Mental Health states that about 21.4% of adults in the United States have or have had a mood disorder at some point in ...

The National Institute of Mental Health states that about 21.4% of adults in the United States have or have had a mood disorder at some point in ...

Kava is a supplement that people have been using for at least a thousand years to treat insomnia, promote relaxation, and manage anxiety, but is it ...

Kava is a popular supplement known for its body-relaxing and anxiety-reducing effects, but it has the potential to be addictive. What are the signs ...

If you find yourself feeling very sick after drinking even a small amount of alcohol, you could have sudden onset alcohol intolerance. At Promises, ...

Many types of prescription medications are not advised for use with alcohol. Drinking when it is not advised could be a sign that you are misusing ...

There is a natural tendency to assume that all prescribed medications are safe. And when used as prescribed, they are. That said, misusing ...

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