Britain's prime minister vows to refashion the EU, not to refashion Britain's relationship with the EU
By BagehotTHE DAILY Mail carries a cartoon of Angela Merkel this morning sporting a Hitler moustache, jackboots, riding breeches and doing the Nazi salute. ...
Signs of pragmatism when British and German leaders meet in Berlin: will British Eurosceptics be so accommodating?
By BagehotIN MY print column this week I report on the intense pressure David Cameron is under from close allies, Conservative MPs and right-of-centre think ...
By BagehotCLAIMS and counter-claims are flying as British officials and European diplomats squabble over who, exactly, was being unreasonable last night ...
By BagehotCOULD David Cameron have done anything different at Thursday night's EU summit, when he refused to sign Britain up to new EU treaty rules ...
By BagehotPUT up or shut up. That is the risky (but arguably rather canny) message that David Cameron has sent to the pro-independence head of the Scottish ...
David Cameron is playing a self-inflicted bad hand well
The Brexit referendum on June 23rd will be all about David Cameron
What the Panama papers really reveal about David Cameron