1. It’s raining …seeds Hallelujah! – It’s Raining Seeds! Amen… ok not quite the words to the song but if we were chipmunks it would be 🙂 Cute shot!!

  2. Very cute!

  3. Ha! And it’s all in his cheeks it looks like! What a cutie! Beautiful shot Edith!

  4. Look at those bulging cheeks! Excellent capture.

  5. Edith, this is a fabulous shot, so clear and adorable!

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  7. lol. It sure did!!

  8. Tack sharp!

  9. Yes he did!!

  10. Jolie capture

  11. terrific shot – great PoV and so crisp!

  12. Reply
    Gangie (pronounced GangGe) March 22, 2024 at 2:22 am

    LOL too cute!! and I love kallo’s song 🙂

  13. he is adorable… great capture Edith!

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