EPIC Thread Shows Why It’s Time to Play by the Left’s Own Rules – Twitchy

For a very long time, the Left has played political Calvinball. If you’re unfamiliar with the Bill Watterson comic ‘Calvin and Hobbes’, the term ‘Calvinball’ refers to the game made up by the titular character in which the rules change constantly, at any time and for any reason.

For just as long, certain factions of the Right have insisted we keep playing by the rules as they’re written. That’s led to us getting proverbially kicked in the teeth time and again. And now that we’re fed up and fighting back (and playing by the Left’s own rules), those factions are getting very vocal about needing to be ‘better than this.’


Here’s an epic thread explaining why so many of us are tired of taking the high road:

Doesn’t get much clearer than that.

Do read the previous rant, because it’s also spot-on.

Most people are go along to get along and don’t want to make waves. Unfortunately, the Left has made that difficult (bordering on impossible) to do these days.


That’s the only way the bullying ends.

You can only be the bigger person when faced with a reasonable opponent.

The Left isn’t a reasonable opponent.

And let them scream into the void about it.

Long past time for this lesson, really.

They had fun in the FA stage, and now we need to make sure the FO stage imparts lessons they won’t soon forget.

Amen and hallelujah.

We think a lot of people are at this point, which is not only why Donald Trump won in November but why he’s enjoying strong polling and why media attacks just aren’t damaging the way they were in 2017.

And we’re okay with that.

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