Show time

Show time

Many Northumberland villages and small towns have an annual agricultural show.
The annual Border Shepherds Show at Alwinton, nestling below hills at the head of the beautiful Coquet Valley, is a traditional agricultural show featuring sheep farming in the borders area of England and Scotland.
It’s held on the second Saturday of October and is the last agricultural show of the season in the borders area. Traditionally, it marks the end of summer and the time for hill farmers to begin preparations for winter- and that’s where we were today.
The normal village population is less than 100, but on show days thousands descend on the village on just two roads, so it’s important to know which is the quieter of the two 😄

100x 2022- Northumberland 48/100

Posted by odell_rd on 2022-10-08 19:04:04

Tagged: , Alwinton Show , Northumberland , Coquet Valley , coth5 , Sunrays+5

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