Glen Etive Stag

Glen Etive Stag

I drove down Glen Etive to take a few shots at the loch. I passed a few deer on the way and they did not seem that bothered by my presence, although they were mostly in the woods without much of a backdrop. I got out to take a shot of one of these deer and was about to change my lens as I still had my wide angle on, when this stag wandered into view without realising I was standing there. I don’t know who was more suprised! He stared at me and I fired off a couple of quick shots. He was gone within seconds.

Posted by JSP92 on 2016-01-16 10:49:10

Tagged: , Scotland , United Kingdom , GB , Glen , Etive , Glencoe , deer , stag , skyfall , mountains , snow , winter , antlers , red , mist , hills , woods , fern

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