While walking the canyon rim, I couldn’t help myself enough to the amazing view, the intricate geological details and random shading provided by the high clouds. As I walked my angle to the scene before me changed, all the players are the same but have now slowly moved into different positions. So fascinating to me that on several occasions I stumbled on the trail because I couldn’t look away. What an amazing wonderland of textures and details chiseled away over eons making up the "Grand Canyon". I’ve heard that the view from the North Rim is even more spectacular than this view from the South Rim. Next time I’m on my way to the southwest I will have to stop by there and see for myself. Sitting here taking in the view I decided to break out the 70-200mm and shoot some close-ups. 🙂
Thanks for taking the time to take a look at my photos, and as always, your views, comments, faves, and support are greatly appreciated!! Have a great Thursday!! 🙂
If you have any questions about this photo or about photography in general, I will do my best to help, just post a comment or send me a Flickr mail and I will respond as quickly as possible.
For those of you new to photography, I would like to provide you with some very helpful videos that will help you get more from your photography. They where very useful to me while I was learning and I hope that they will help you out as well. Just click the link below and on the left side column there are pre-made playlists on everything you could ever want to know about photography. I hope you enjoy them and as always my friends "Happy Shooting"
Posted by EricGail_AdventureInFineArtPhotography on 2016-06-16 17:22:29
Tagged: , EricGail , .21studios , canon , canon70d , 70d , explore , interesting , interestingness , photoshop , lightroom , Nik , Software , Landscape , nature , InFocus , Adjust , photo , photographer , CS6 , TopazLabs , picture , arizona , grandcanyon