Being there was scary, especially when I had a camera and a tripod made of metal.
And, by the way, this is my first photo to hit Flickr’s Explor Front Page No.1 (on Saturday, June 24, 2006)…
Posted by Mingfong on 2006-05-24 04:44:14
Tagged: , ExploreTop20 , Wisconsin , Spring , T-storm , Night , Cloud , interestingness1 , Madison , Mingfong , Thunder , Storm , Interestingness , OneYear , Thunderstorms , Summer , sketchoflight , story , stories , 桌布 , mingfong photography , 暴風雨 , 四月 , 風景桌布 , 威斯康辛 , 麥迪遜 , 天氣 , 雷雨 , album cover , art brochure , music flyer , Mingfongjan