A historic alley

A historic alley

It’s been already a week since my return back and as I have been busy I had no free time to review photos from my recent trip to Greece. So I made a dive into my archives and that photo from Boston’s north end caught my attention. A historic alley I would describe it for 2 reasons. First, this alley is part of the famous "Freedom Trail" and second, the wall on the right of the frame is the Old North church, one of Boston’s most historic buildings. During the American Revolution, on the steeple of that very church 2 lanterns were carried to warn the American militia that the British chose to advance against Concord by sea.

Thievery Corporation – Marching the Hate Machines (Into the Sun) ft. The Flaming Lips

Posted by Rabican7 on 2020-10-10 00:31:32

Tagged: , New England , Boston , North End , bricks , leading lines , people , Massachusetts , Boston, MA , MA , Monochrome , street photography , Street , Old north church , wall , windows , alley , historic , freedom trail , freedom , trail

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