Kansas Storm Chasing at Eskridge, KS

Kansas Storm Chasing at Eskridge, KS

A severe thunderstorm warned cell crosses Wabaunsee County during the late evening. This storm dropped some large hail, but also exhibited some very weak rotation on the backside, spawning several high based cold air funnels. One can be seen directly over the road as it dissipated. Two other vortices were visible about a minute later and merged at the tips forming a wishbone shape before they disappeared. Completely fascinating to watch. This is looking north on Kansas Highway 99.

Eskridge, KS

Posted by Mo-Pump on 2020-04-12 05:29:01

Tagged: , Storm , Storm Chasing , Weather , Severe Weather , Thunderstorm , Thunder , T-Storm , Severe Thunderstorm , Severe Thunderstorm Warning , Funnel , Cloud , Cold , Air

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