Abdullah Jabbar (itajz) joins Bro Hajji to discuss the reality of Muslim Charities in Syria. #brohajji #syria #charity.

  1. I am just wondering does the Gift Aid (UK Tax Payer) not cover the additional percentages of the Zakaat that would go to the middle man … that gift aid can be high rate

  2. Need to name and shame these charities or no point of these videos apart from just putting distrust in the whole charity sector and people who watch these videos withholding their donations and our brothers and sisters who are suffering will continue suffering

  3. Wellspoken brother AJ. Been following him for years, watched his beard grow. May Allah bless him and all those who sacrifice their youth and time to benefit others. May we all have the desire and aspiration to change things with our hands and not just give lip service 🤲🏽

  4. We need these videos. They have helped me and many others here, so much. Alhamdulillah for the great work so far with these exposes and insights

  5. Very nice work alhamdulilah, bro Hajji is gifted

  6. Mosques should question these charities about their intentions before allowing them to ask for donations

  7. I understand you don’t want to name and shame any charities, but could you recommend any that are okay to donate to Insha’ Allah?

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