Jeff Realizes The Detectives Know He Is The Killer

This Video Is For Educational Purposes. It is meant to show the psychology behind how police interact with suspects to try and get …

  1. After watching the entire video, what are your thoughts on the verdict?

  2. I can't watch this. Guilty until proven innocent! Your rights are a LIE! Just propaganda to keep society from revolting!

  3. This dude is so innocent the real killers testify against him
    After running off after the murder with the victim’s jewelry and other valuabales wow this is scary

  4. Such bullshyt police can lie in interrogations, and anything you say will be used against you. So why the hell would anyone ever talk to police… so funny how mad they get when he calls their bluff on the hair, yelling and calling him names = triggered & exposed. Terrible detectives…

  5. I love this guy. He does impressions of everyone else’s voices, he makes bird noises, and he brilliantly illustrates the sound of a golf club flying through the air!
    I can’t wait to get to the bit where he says, “Then we got in the truck, Brrmmm Brrmmm, and we took the dog, Woof Woof, and we passed a field of cows, Moo Moo.”

  6. If this fukn guy's mouth is open, he's lying 🙄 he's the worst story teller…contradiction after contradiction

  7. I believe he did not do it. He is innocent of this murder. 💜

  8. not really relevant but I just wanted to comment how this guy's mugshot photo looks like a guy who's been framing houses for 15 years, cut to the video and it's like a guy describing the last Liza Minnelli concert he went to. weird.

  9. Man I really hope there's a company out there that specializes in outfitting police departments with better audio and video technology, how the f*** do interrogation rooms don't have padded walls or sound canceling stuff on the walls? I know this is an old video but 99% of the time interrogation videos are horrible with the audio and you damn near have to make up what you think you heard in your head

  10. I'm unsubscribing to this channel just by the misleading headline. What a joke, just as bad as the cops

  11. My thoughts are that Jeff should of kept his mouth shut🤐 Jeff is a dumbass🤡 Don't be like Jeff👍😁

  12. Like everyone else in the comments i believe Jeff is innocent.

  13. These cops are remedial.

  14. My god this is hard to watch!!! When detectives want someone to be guilty…just bc of small amount of dna! This guy was telling the truth…you can see when people are l u lying, changing stories…but this guy did not! This stuff makes me mad!😡😤

  15. At the end the detectives are practically sitting on his lap

  16. Why would you write that title after looking at this case?

  17. OMG the cop saying stop lying and be a man. He should take his advice. I hate when they try that stupid good cop – bad cop They think people are going to fall for it. The suspect keeps catching the dumb ass cops in lies. 😂😂

  18. A commercial every minute and a half don't waste your time

  19. Crazy been listening to this and dude didn't kill dick. Cops just trying to get him to admit something he didn't do

  20. I honestly don't think after all the interrogations I've watched, that this man is guilty. People's skin gets thinner with age and honestly, he could have accidentally scratched him with his most likely unkempt nails and that's how the DNA got there. The wife and son did it and fled right under their noses, while they badgered an innocent man! I hope one day he gets his justice. 🙏 ❤ ⚖️

  21. Innocent guy being screwed

  22. I would ask for a lawyer as soon as a detective is close enough to examine my prostate.

  23. don’t talk to cops ! If they can’t find the TRUE SUSPECT ? THEY will need a scapegoat! It looks bad to the public if they don’t find and charge crimminals

  24. so he’s guilty because DICK wouldn’t give him a ride home ? REALLY

  25. It is very rare that I would share my opinion on any case. This really disappointed me because his story did not change. His demeanor did not equate to someone that is transactionally guilty. I was very disappointed at the end of this video to find out that he had been convicted because I feel like he definitely did not, commit the crine and I’m law enforcement

  26. I do not think this man did the crime. Absolute miscarriage of justice.

  27. Innocent. Sloppy police work.

  28. Yes he was wrongfully accused the detectives wanted hit a person who didn’t have proof he wasn’t there I can hear a liar a block away he’s not lying the detective wanted a pone to blame it on .

  29. How does this much incompetency wind up with this guy being convicted? Not one time did he admit he was even close to the victim on the day he was murdered. His story never changed. The state of Florida owes this dude his freedom. Problem is, if they let this innocent man go, and are forced to admit their own incompetency, they're going to pay thru the nose for his wrongful conviction. And they can't have that.

    What bugs me almost as much is the title of this video. The detectives THINK he's the killer cuz their case is week and they have no where else to go. At no time did "Jeff realize the detectives" knew he was a killer. Why would you, Red Tree Stories, play the same weak game as the detectives did? Shame you're so lame too.

  30. I watch a lot of these “interviews” and I feel like he was being truthful and just may be innocent.

  31. Always have a lawyer during questioning. Trying to twist the facts to convince someone to confess to something they didn't do. Does that "Be a man for once and tell the truth" really work with people ???

  32. I 100% believe he is innocent and the police railroaded him very sad I hope he is released

  33. From my Investigator's Song

    The only thing I want to know is why

    Any other answer makes me really sigh

    So the best for you is quit it

    'cause I really know you did it

    And the only thing I want to know is why

    copyright by afishcalledwanda

  34. fast forward to 3:31. That's all you need to know.

  35. I’ve watched a lot of trials and seen a lot of liars. I am convinced this guy is innocent.

  36. The woman did it then fled.

  37. Okay… Now I'm hearing hints of "we want your side of the story" spiel… 😒

  38. I don’t think he did it 🇬🇧

  39. Without getting into all the various comments referring to Dick (I never touched Dick, I would never hurt Dick, etc…), these cops are using the usual standard lines… I don't think you're a cold-blooded killer… You seem like a nice guy… I think something happened… Plus, the lie about the hair… They're asking him whether he went over to Dick's place intending to kill Dick much like someone would ask "Have you stopped beating your wife (or puppy)? These are all trick questions. The only thing I haven't heard yet is "We just want to get your side of the story", the oldest line in the book… 🙄🙄🙄 If this guy weren't somewhat dimwitted, he would shut the fuck up and ask for a lawyer! Cops just love it when they're harassing people who don't know their rights! F*** the police!!! 😠😡🤬

  40. Police Departments hiring such detectives need to be stripped off all their funds in order to compensate wrongfully convicted people. It should become federal law.

  41. How in the hell can you people say he didnt commit this crime? You were not there and you didnt hear all the evidence. Just based on this video.

  42. Never talk to the cops and alway do a trial by judge if you’re innocent.

  43. So ya say dick is cocky? That’s apparent 😂

  44. "I've never struck Dick before"
    Poor choice of words

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