Dogs Bad Breath from Stomach

When it comes to our furry friends, dogs’ bad breath can be a common problem that not only affects their oral health but also poses challenges in our interactions with them. While bad breath in dogs can have various causes, one often overlooked culprit is stomach issues. In this article, we’ll delve into the reasons behind dogs’ bad breath from the stomach and explore effective home remedies to freshen your pup’s breath. So, let’s jump right in!

What is Dogs Bad Breath from Stomach?

  • Bad breath in dogs, medically known as halitosis, can originate from a multitude of factors. One of the lesser-known causes is related to stomach problems.
  • Just like humans, dogs can experience gastrointestinal issues that result in foul-smelling breath. The stomach contains bacteria that aid in digestion but can also produce unpleasant odors. When these bacteria become imbalanced or excessive, they can contribute to your dog’s bad breath.

Why Does My Dog Have Bad Breath And Gas?

There could be many reasons for sour breath and gas, below are the common reasons:

  1. Dental Issues: The dental issue is due to poor dental hygiene. Dental problems such as plaque, tartar buildup, gum disease, and infected teeth can all contribute to foul-smelling breath. Bacteria in the mouth produce volatile sulfur compounds, leading to an unpleasant smell.
  2. Digestive Problems: Digestive issues can also be the reason for bad breath in dogs. Especially when the digestive system is not functioning correctly which results in increasing of bad bacteria in the stomach, leading to produce bad gases. Gastritis, gastrointestinal infections, and food intolerances can contribute to both bad breath and gas.
  3. Dietary Factors: Be cautious while choosing food for your dog, because food can be the reason for smelly breathing. certain foods, especially those with strong odors, poor-quality diets, and foods that have artificial additives, fillers, or inadequate nutrients can impact the digestive system and cause bad breath.

Causes of Bad Gas in Dogs

  1. Swallowing Air: Dogs can swallow air while eating or drinking too quickly, resulting in excessive gas production. This is especially common in breeds with brachycephalic (short-nosed) features. Eating from elevated bowls or excessive excitement during meals can also lead to increased air intake.
  2. Dietary Indiscretion: If your dog has a habit of consuming inappropriate items, such as garbage or spoiled food, it can disrupt its digestive system and cause excessive gas. Introducing new foods abruptly or overfeeding can also contribute to gas formation.
  3. Food Sensitivities or Allergies: Some dogs are prone to allergies if there is any change in food ingredients. This lead to gastrointestinal upset, and digestive issues including gas.

Identifying The Symptoms Of Dogs Bad Breath

Identifying if your dog’s bad breath originates from the stomach can be challenging. However, there are some signs that will help you to identify the problem:

  1. Excessive Gas: Your dog may frequently pass gas, indicating a digestive issue.
  2. Vomiting or regurgitation: Frequent vomiting or regurgitation may indicate an underlying stomach problem.
  3. Changes in appetite or weight loss: Digestive disturbances can lead to a loss of appetite or unexplained weight loss.

Home Remedies to Combat Dogs Bad Breath from the Stomach

If your furry friend is suffering from unpleasant breath originating from the stomach, fret not! Here are some effective home remedies to help freshen your dog’s breath and address underlying digestive issues:

  1. Probiotic Supplements: Probiotics are good bacteria that will maintain your dog’s stomach health. Maintaining high-quality probiotic supplements in your dog’s diet can help to restore good bacteria in the stomach. Check for Probiotic Supplements specifically for dogs, and consult your veterinarian for the correct dosage.
  2. Digestive Enzymes: Enzymes play a crucial role in breaking down food and helping digestion. Digestive enzyme supplements can assist in reducing stomach-related sour breath. These supplements help break down food more efficiently, minimizing the chances of bacterial overgrowth and subsequent smell.
  3. Dietary Modifications: Optimizing your dog’s diet can have a significant impact on their digestive health and breath freshness. Consider the following dietary adjustments:
    • High-quality dog food: Choose a premium, well-balanced dog food that suits your pup’s specific nutritional needs. Avoid foods with excessive fillers and artificial additives.
    • Limited ingredient diet: If your dog has known food sensitivities, switching to a limited-ingredient diet can help relieve digestive issues.
    • Fresh fruits and veggies: Always don’t feed meat-contained foods, It’s good to include vegetables and fruits in your dog’s diet chart, which helps in digestion and it provides essential nutrients.
    • Raw Bones and Dental Chews: Raw bones and dental chews can help scrape off plaque and tartar, reducing bacterial buildup and unpleasant breath.
  4. Herbal Remedies: Certain herbs have natural properties that help digestion and freshen breathing. Some commonly used herbs are:
    • Parsley: Parsley provides natural breath freshener and you can spray this on your dog’s food in a small amount.
    • Peppermint: Adding a small amount of peppermint to your dog’s water bowl can help to fight smelly breath.
    • Fennel: Fennel seeds or tea can help digestion and relieve gas, contributing to fresher breath.
  5. Regular Dental Care: It is important to maintain proper dental hygiene to avoid unpleasant breath in dogs. Regular dental care and cleaning help in avoiding the chances of bacterial infections or bad bacteria and keep your pup’s breath fresh. Here are some dental care practices to follow:
    • Brushing: Brush your dog’s teeth regularly and use specific toothbrushes and toothpaste. At least brush two to three times a week. Check out here for a Vet wash station with all readily available shampoos, bathtubs, and conditioners at low cost.
    • Dental treats and toys: Provide your dog with dental treats and toys designed to promote oral health. This will help to remove plaque and tartar.
    • Professional dental cleanings: Schedule regular professional dental cleanings with your veterinarian to ensure thorough cleaning and examination. Make sure you follow regular health check-ups. Check out here for affordable vet vaccinations and FREE telehealth check-ups.


Can stomach problems be the sole cause of bad breath in dogs?

Stomach issues can contribute to bad breath, but other factors like dental problems or systemic diseases can also play a role.

Are there any over-the-counter remedies for bad breath in dogs?

While various over-the-counter products are claiming to freshen a dog’s breath, it’s best to consult your veterinarian for suitable remedies.

Can I use human probiotics for my dog’s digestive health?

No, human probiotics may not be appropriate for dogs. Consult your veterinarian for dog-specific probiotic recommendations.

How often should I brush my dog’s teeth?

Aim to brush your dog’s teeth two to three times a week. Regular brushing is essential for maintaining good oral hygiene.

Can bad breath in dogs be a sign of a serious health issue?

In some cases, persistent smelly breath can indicate underlying health problems. It’s crucial to have your dog evaluated by a veterinarian to rule out any serious conditions.


Dogs Bad Breath from Stomach can be a persistent issue. By addressing underlying digestive problems and implementing effective home remedies, you can help freshen your pup’s breath and improve its overall oral health. Apart from your home remedies, it is very important to consult your veterinarian before changing any dietary or supplement changes and always use veterinarian-prescribed medicines. With a little extra care, your furry friend can enjoy fresh breath and a happier, healthier life.

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