Bucks Animation Blog: Lighting in Arnold

In this simple tutorial, for Autodesk Maya beginners, we explain how to achieve a super basic lighting setup in Arnold using the settings in Physical Sky. This is as simple a setup as it is possible to achieve in Arnold, and gives good results for an outdoor scene with just a few clicks.

Physical Sky Tutorial

  1. Start by Opening Maya. Make sure you are in the Render menu (top left)
  2. Render/Render Settings/Render Using/Arnold
  3. In the Common Tab, go to File Output: Select JPEG
  4. Image size HD 720
  5. Now go to the Arnold Renderer Tab 
  6. Arnold/Lights/Physical Sky
  7. Do a render test – the scene probably looks a bit dark
  8. Take intensity up to 4 or 5 to make it brighter. 
  9. Go to Sky Tint to change the colour of the sky.
  10. Sun Tint will do something similar.
Alex Williams
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