I’ll be the first to admit it: I have never watched the Super Bowl. (Well, there was that one time in college when I tried to impress a friend, but that ...
Ever notice how a big ol’ slice of pizza can make even the worst day a bit better? (I wonder if that was why our high school always served pizza–and ...
For a lot of bakers, piecrusts are their bête noire. Their nemesis. Their great undoing. For me? It was biscuits. The anxiety I felt when faced with a ...
I am decidedly not Irish–not even a chromosome. I’m hardly lucky. And the best I can do is nurse a pint of Guinness. But I do share a few things with ...
I honestly don’t know when my love for pistachios started. When I was a kid, my mother adored chocolate. My father, who wasn’t a sweet eater, would reach ...
Truth be told, fish is always low on my list of dinner choices. Somewhere just above calves liver. I love shellfish, though. I’ll wolf down fried clams, ...
I’m a sucker for pork butt recipes. Our freezer is filled with a bunch of shoulders (another name for the cut), because we serve it year-round. In ...
When I was a kid, Easter wasn’t a big holiday. We did the whole church thing, of course. (You know my parents…) But all I was interested in was a.) ...
It happens whenever we serve ham for Easter. On Monday morning, The One and I open the fridge, logy from overindulging in carbs, and find a chunk of ...
I believe the world is divided into two types of people: Those who love banana bread (moi and, hopefully, you), and those who don’t. For those of us who ...