Truity’s Personality Tests – My Honest Review [2024]

Are you looking for a good, scientifically-based, and free personality test that provides actionable and personalized insights and tips?

Then you might have come across Truity.

Truity offers various personality and career tests based on psychological research. And I’ve taken almost all of them.

In this article, I’ll tell you all about my experience with Truity.

You’ll learn about each test’s scientific validity. We’ll cover what kind of insights you get. And you’ll learn how each career or personality test can help you on your journey to personal and professional growth.

So let’s dive in!

Disclosure: This post contains affiliate links, so if you buy something through my link, I earn a small commission at no extra cost to you. I only endorse companies and products that I’ve personaly use and enjoyed.

First of all, is Truity a reliable company?

Truity has been around since 2012 and is known for offering a variety of personality and career assessments.

Most of Truity’s tests are reliable, accurate, and based on well-established scientific theories and principles. Other tests are more experimental and fun in nature.

We’ll cover those in a minute.

In general, it helps to be both open and somewhat skeptical about online assessment tools. While these tools provide useful self-insights, none of them reflect the absolute truth.

Instead, the main purpose is to extract insights for self-reflection, new ideas to try out, and tips to improve your career and relationships.

That said, my experience with Truity is very positive. 

And the reviews and feedback of others match my experience.

Of course, there’s some criticism too. However, Truity’s criticism mainly comes from those who’re generally skeptical about personality tests – not about Truity’s tests specifically.

Overall, Truity is a reliable company to get started on your journey of self-discovery.

What types of personality tests does Truity offer?

Truity offers a wide range of career and personality tests. 

Each test can provide insights to increase your self-understanding, help you navigate relationships, and provide personalized career guidance.

Let’s split Truity’s many tests into 3 main categories:

  • Truity’s personality tests
  • Truity’s career tests
  • Other tests from Truity

Let’s dive into the lists of tests that Truity offers in each category.

Truity’s personality tests

Truity’s personality tests are the most researched and scientifically backed options on their website. And if you’re new to personality assessments, I recommend you start with one of the following:

  • TypeFinder Personality Test: TypeFinder is the famous 16-personality test based on the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI). It identifies your personality type across four dimensions: Introversion/Extraversion, Sensing/iNtuition, Thinking/Feeling, Judging/Perceiving. For example, my MBTI profile is INTJ. This profile helps you understand how you interact with the world. While not the most evidence-based test on this list, it’s my favorite because of the broad and very actionable insights. They cover all domains of life including self-understanding, relationship dynamics, and even career guidance. So if you’ve never done a test before, I recommend starting with this one.
  • Enneagram Personality Test: The Enneagram test has skyrocketed in popularity in recent years. This tool categorizes personalities into 9 types. For example, I’m type 5: The Investigator. Your type reveals your core motivations, fears, and behaviors. You get personal insights but also learn how you relate to others. Just like the previous test, the results for this one are actionable and easy to understand. That’s why I can also recommend this test for beginners.
  • The Big Five Personality Test: The Big Five is one of the most scientifically validated tests on the market. It measures personality traits that stay very consistent throughout your life. The test measures each of the following traits on a scale: Conscientiousness, Extraversion, Agreeableness, and Neuroticism. The report offers a comprehensive view of your character traits and how they affect your life and relationships. The downside of this personality test? It’s more challenging to interpret than the other two, making it hard to extract actionable insights. In other words, this test is the best option if you’ve got a psychology background or professional support to interpret your results. That said, you’ll also enjoy this report if you’re a geek like me or more advanced on your self-improvement journey. If you’re curious, I scored the highest on Conscientiousness compared to the average.
  • DISC Assessment: The DISC personality assessment primarily focuses on your workstyle and communication. It measures the following 4 personality traits on a scale: Dominance, Influence, Steadiness, and Conscientiousness. The insights can help you understand how you work in teams and you can improve your communication. It’s a good test to take if you’re interested in professional development. But it won’t provide many insights outside that scope. My DISC profile is Clarity, meaning that I look for ways to be efficient and concise.

View all of Truity’s personality tests

Truity’s career tests

While Truity’s personality tests can provide career insights, the purpose of Truity’s career tests is to provide suitable career paths to explore. It’s a great point if you feel lost and are unsure what work you would like to do.

  • Career Aptitude Test: The Aptitude test evaluates your strengths and interests to suggest compatible career paths. The report provides your career personality, how you think and solve problems, and how you interact with others. In addition, you’ll get an extensive list of suitable careers sorted by the match percentage. Each career also contains a projected growth trajectory, average annual salary, and insights into the average day-to-day activities. Overall, this report offers a good starting point for career exploration. So I can recommend this if you’re looking to start or change your career but are unsure what to do.
  • TypeFinder for Career Planning: While the original TypeFinder provides useful career insights, this test uses your Myers-Briggs types to offer more specific and tailored career advice. The report highlights a list of professions where your preferences and strengths are likely to thrive.
  • Holland Codes Career Test: Based on Dr. John Holland’s theory, this test categorizes careers into six themes: Realistic, Investigative, Artistic, Social, Enterprising, and Conventional. The result matches you to the themes that best fit your interests and talents to help you explore the best career opportunities. It’s the most scientifically validated career test on this list. 
  • Photo Career Quiz: The Photo Career Quiz is a unique, visual-based career assessment that presents work-related images to choose from. The test uses your instinctive preferences to suggest suitable careers. While this test is less validated, it’s an engaging way to explore possible career paths.

View all of Truity’s career tests

Other tests from Truity

The final tests of Truity are engaging and fun to do. Although they’re less scientifically validated, they still provide interesting insights for self-discovery and self-awareness.

  • 7 Love Styles Test: Based on attachment theory, this test identifies your love style from seven types. Each type provides insights into how you approach others and what you can do to build better relationships.
  • Emotional Intelligence Test: Emotional Intelligence is an increasingly important skill to master. This assessment measures your ability to recognize, understand, and manage your own emotions and those of others. It’s a helpful tool to improve your well-being and social skills.
  • Reveal Your Toxic Traits: Everyone has a dark side and understanding yours can help you navigate your toxic traits. This test helps you identify the potentially harmful behaviors or attitudes you may possess. Reflect on your results to recognize if you’re aware of the potential pitfalls when it comes to the relationship with yourself and others.
  • Find the Era Where You Belong: Do you feel like you should’ve been born in a different year? This fun test matches your personality traits, preferences, and values with a historical period. Find out if you should build a time machine to travel to another era that better suits you.
  • Learn How You Make Decisions: Everyone uses different rules to make decisions. This test analyzes your decision-making style by assessing how you process information, weigh your options, and consider the potential outcomes. The report provides insights to improve your problem-solving skills and decision-making efficiency.
  • Find Your Travel Personality: Are you curious about your travel preferences? Take this fun test and find out! The report can help you understand what kinds of vacations align with your personality so you can better tailor your next adventure to experience the most joy.
  • What Type of Boss Are You?: This personality assessment evaluates your leadership style, strengths, and areas for improvement. The test measures how you manage tasks, interact with team members, and make workplace decisions. While not as scientifically validated as Truity’s career tests, it can still provide insights to improve your leadership skills.

View all of Truity’s fun quizes

Are Truity’s tests valid?

In general, Truity’s tests are valid and scientifically validated. However, as you can tell from the list of tests, some assessments are mainly designed for fun.

That said, Truity’s personality tests have been around for decades and are based on science. These tests include TypeFinder (based on the Myers-Briggs), the Enneagram personality test, the Big Five, and the DISC assessment

While the Big Five is the most backed option by psychologists, its results are more challenging to interpret. Myers-Briggs and the Enneagram provide more actionable insights for beginners and are still backed by years of research.

Truity’s career tests are also backed by science, yet less validated in the long term. I recommend you take such assessments to gather ideas for possible career paths rather than using them as strict guidelines. 

That said, you’ll enjoy the Holland Codes Career Test if you want the most scientifically solid option.

Finally, we have the other tests.

Tests for emotional intelligence, love styles, and your travel personality are fun to take but less validated in general. While they’re still carefully designed to be as reliable as possible, they’re less researched than the other options.

Are Truity’s career and personality tests useful?

The short answer is yes, Truity’s career and personality tests are useful. 

But it also depends on what you seek from these tests. At the end of the day, you should take them all with a grain of salt. No test result is a 100% accurate representation of who you are.

Instead, the primary purpose of those tests is to provide a different perspective to gain self-insights and ideas to explore.

Approach each test with an open mind.

Reflect on your insights to support your journey of self-discovery. And gather ideas for experimentation, exploration, and continuous self-improvement.

That’s what I suggest for any online assessment you take.

And Truity’s tests are no exception.

That said, let’s take a closer look at the…

Benefits of Truity’s tests

While each personality and career test of Truity is different, the usefulness and benefits boil down to the following:

  • Self-awareness: Gain insights into your strengths, weaknesses, preferences, and motivations.
  • Career direction: Discover potential career paths that align with your personality traits, interests, and values.
  • Personal growth: Identify areas and gather ideas for personal development and growth, fostering continuous improvement.
  • Self-discovery: Explore new interests, hobbies, or career paths suggested by the test results, sparking curiosity and experimentation.
  • Understanding others: Gain insights to understand others’ behavior and communication styles, leading to better relationships.
  • Communication: Learn how your communication style impacts others and gain ideas to adapt your style to suit different preferences.
  • Team dynamics: Improve your collaboration skills by understanding how different personalities complement or conflict with each other.
  • Decision-making: Gain more data to make better decisions about your career, educational pursuits, and life goals.
  • Conflict resolution: Resolve conflicts more effectively by recognizing and addressing differences in personality and communication styles.
  • Personal satisfaction: Increase satisfaction and fulfillment in your personal and professional life by aligning your choices with your traits, preferences, and personal values.

How much do Truity’s tests cost?

All of Truity’s tests are free and will provide some insights. 

Of course, if you want to get in-depth analysis, comprehensive reports, and actionable ideas, you’ll have to upgrade to the paid report. 

That said, Truity’s in-depth reports are very affordable.

Prices for premium insights range from approximately $19 to $29. But please check Truity’s website for the most current pricing information for each test.

View Truity’s latest prices

Why choose Truity?

Truity offers many tests that are free to take and offer basic results. 

If you like what you see and are curious about an in-depth analysis, you can always consider upgrading to the premium report.

In addition, Truity’s reports are easy to understand, regardless of your level of expertise in psychology. The actionable insights offer ideas that can guide your personal development, career planning process, and improve your relationships.

That said, I recommend TypeFinder or Enneagram for beginners and the Big Five for those who’re more familiar with psychology and want the most research-backed insights.

Finally, the assessments are engaging and easy to take. And your test results are saved online, so you can always refer back to them in the future.

But don’t just take my word for it.

There are many positive reviews and feedback about Truity. 

Many users found the reports helpful in understanding themselves better and making informed decisions in their personal and professional lives.

What’s next

Truity’s diverse range of personality and career tests offers valuable insights grounded in psychological research.

And I love those tools.

Truity’s reports helped me on my journey of self-discovery, increase self-awareness, and gain ideas for self-improvement.

Whether you want to understand yourself better, improve your relationships, or gain career ideas, you’ll enjoy the assessments of Truity.

Challenge: Take one of Truity’s free personality tests today to start your journey of self-discovery. Reflect on the results and identify one area for further exploration or development.

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