Coffee Milkshake with a Lovely Lavender Whipped Cream

This is not a diet recipe – just one that uses wholesome ingredients! If you’re in the mood for a sweet treat, try this delicious coffee milkshake with lavender whipped cream. A unique dessert that with a soothing and satisfying effect.

What Goes in This Coffee Milkshake

Coffee ice cream: This is the star ingredient of a coffee milkshake. A nice creamy, whole milk ice cream is what I’m going for here. I usually use Greenwise coffee ice cream from Publix.

Organic whole milk: You could use a lower fat milk or even a non-dairy milk if you prefer. However, I like to use organic whole milk in my milkshakes for a rich taste and added dairy protein.

What Goes in The Lavender Whipped Cream

Culinary lavender: IMPORTANT – Make sure you buy a culinary grade of lavender that is actually intended for human consumption. You can buy this at natural food stores like The Fresh Market.

Granulated sugar: You will need granulated sugar for processing the lavender into a fine powder in a small food processor or coffee grinder.

Vanilla extract: A tiny bit of vanilla extract for extra flavor.

Heavy whipping cream: This is where the magic happens. It’s really something when you add heavy whipping cream into the bowl of your stand mixer and mix until it becomes a fluffy cloud of whipped cream. I usually buy organic dairy heavy whipping cream. They make non-dairy options, but this will have a slightly different texture and flavor.

Confectioner’s sugar: Powdered sugar has a really fine texture, adding desired sweetness to the whipped cream while maintaining the smoothness.

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Coffee Milkshake with a Lovely Lavender Whipped Cream

Coffee Milkshake

1 1/2 cups coffee ice cream

3/4 organic whole milk

Lavender Whipped Cream

1 tbsp culinary lavender

2 tbsps granulated sugar

2/3 cup confectioner’s sugar

2 cups heavy whipping cream

1/4 tsp vanilla extract


Coffee Milkshake

1. Pour 3/4 cup milk into blender.

2. Scoop ice cream into measuring cup then add to blender.

3. Blend until fairly smooth, but still more ice creamy than liquidy.  Stop periodically to stir.

Lavender Whipped Cream

1. Get out a small food processor or coffee grinder and process the lavender and granulated sugar into a fine powder.

2. Dump the powder into the bowl of a stand mixer, then add heavy whipping cream, confectioner’s sugar, and vanilla extract, and mix for five minutes or until the whipped cream consistency is achieved.


*Whipped cream makes about six servings.  Milkshake recipe is just for one.  Store whipped cream in fridge for future use.

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