That little girl in the picture above turned nine years old today. Yup, today is Connor Claire’s ninth birthday! Wow. I remember that day up there like ...
If we could sneap a peak into Rosie’s wildest dreams, they would be dreams of crunchies falling from Heaven… Or perhaps plump chickens spiraling within a ...
It’s the Super Bowl! As you know, before Tabs rocked the world by reinventing kitty supermodeling, he entertained millions as a professional cat football ...
It has rained for almost a week! I’m getting kinda over it, but Tabs sure would have loved it. That cat LOVED the rain. His favorite thing about it? ...
(NOVATO) Today in cat science news! Rosie brought the full force of her four PhDs in science to solve a canine conundrum. The dilemma? Well, she ...
Thank you for being a friend. Guess who just discovered The Golden Girls? When she’s not doing science, Rosie’s been watching reruns of one of my ...
Rosie hasn’t been taking the best care of herself. She’s been so busy at work with all of the scientific papers she published last year that she hasn’t ...