HPPT! You are wished happiness, laughter, abundance and the opportunity to use and develop all your talents, including but not limited to, Art and ...
Sunshine on the leaves of my red bud tree here at home this morning . Posted by Dee Gee fifteen on 2015-04-22 17:44:58 Tagged: , backlit , hearts ...
Baggersee Weissenbach Posted by bandit4czm on 2016-02-05 18:38:33 Tagged: , Weissenbach , Lechtal , Lech , Tirol , Winter , Nebel , Schnee , ...
Looking forward to when we can raise a glass together again. The last normal pint I was served across a bar in a pub was on this day in 2020. Posted by ...
I am so happy that my orchid is flowering again. One neighbour gave it to me a couple of years ago, she travelled a lot for her job and needed me to ...