With Christmas just a few days away, I wanted to share a post I wrote a few years ago about staying sober during the Holidays and what’s worked for me over ...
As I shuffle into 2022 healthy and happy, I have to give 2021 the props it deserves! 2021 for me was the year of YES! It was a lot of growth, healing, ...
I recently had a conversation with someone at a meeting about how my second DUI saved me and how grateful I am that it literally saved me; so I wanted to ...
This post is a guest post by Joe Gilmore of Renaissance Recovery, and I feel the content is so important. It was helpful for me to read it and I have a ...
It’s Sunday evening and I am home in bed. I’m listening to Elton John’s farewell tour via Disney streaming, which I’ll cancel in the next day or so, and ...
Introduction Imagine this: you’re in a meeting with a client, and they pose a tricky legal question. You need to provide them with a ...
I don’t pick a word. I tried to do that a few years ago when I was going through my divorce, but I couldn’t be open and access that channel during that ...
I have not been blogging much (which I constantly say when I post), however, this post came easily as I’ve lived a lot of life. I turn 56 today and as ...