Miscellaneous Links #39

AI, Robotics, CogSci, Tech & More


Discovery of a structural class of antibiotics with explainable deep learning

Brain-Inspired AI Code Library Notches Milestone

Spyx: A Library for Just-In-Time Compiled Optimization of Spiking Neural Networks

The emperor has few clothes: a realistic appraisal of current AI in radiology

Rod Brooks on his “Will Robots Rise Up And Demand Their Rights?” piece from 2000

Korean researchers power-shame Nvidia with new neural AI chip

Buffer Overflow in Mixture of Experts

Google extracted ChatGPT’s Training Data using a silly trick

Generative UI and Outcome-Oriented Design

The A.I. Industry is About to Run Out of Electricity

Disillusioned Businesses Discovering That AI Kind of Sucks

Amazon Ditches ‘Just Walk Out’ Checkouts at Its Grocery Stores

Bubble Trouble – Ed Zitron

GenAI image prompted by me


Robot dog takes bullets for human partners in Hyannis standoff

Toyota’s Bubble-ized Humanoid Grasps With Its Whole Body: Robotic manipulation should be about more than just fingers

Zoox gets ready to launch robotaxi service in Las Vegas

Using robotics to help sort onions on Georgia farms

Multiple AI models help robots execute complex plans more transparently


From autopoiesis to self-optimization: Toward an enactive model of biological regulation

Wu, Movements of Mind. Post 4: Biased Attention as Implicit, Automatic Bias.


Behold: The First Battery Prototype Using Hemoglobin

AWS acquires Talen’s nuclear data center campus in Pennsylvania

How to Get to Orbit Cheaper than SpaceX’s Starship: Adaptive Cycle Jet Engines, the primer

Electric Vehicles are Disposable, Digital Technology

Google reneged on the monopolistic bargain – Cory Doctorow

3D Ice Printing Artificial Blood Vessels

The Floppy Disk: Mylar Memories


Purple truck carrying thousands of salmon crashes but coincidentally over a stream and a bunch of the fish swam away

Trees are expanding north in Alaska’s Arctic as a result of sea ice loss

Scientists’ ‘super banana’ could save thousands of lives, reduce blindness — but it still has major opposition to overcome

How did cats become domesticated?

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