7 Best Ways To Reduce Bloating

Enjoying your favorite foods or drinks is always a delight, but not if it comes with the aftermath of a bloated stomach. Bloating refers to the feeling of fullness in your stomach, especially after a meal. While it is generally harmless, it may become an issue if it is associated with pain, cramps, constipation, or changes in bowel habits. Fortunately, there are several ways to reduce bloating and its symptoms.

Eat Slowly

Taking large bites of food or gulping down a drink can cause bloating due to the air you swallow during these actions. It can also cause you to eat more than necessary, making you feel fuller and bloated. The best way to avoid these symptoms is to be mindful of your eating habits. Take smaller bites and chew them properly before swallowing. This way, you can also enjoy the aroma and flavors of foods.

Drink More Water

It is undeniable that water is essential for all bodily functions. When you do not drink enough water or become dehydrated, your digestion rate slows down. It can also lead to constipation and bloating. To prevent these, it is important to keep yourself hydrated throughout the day. Drinking simple water is better than drinking sugary or caffeinated drinks.

Exercise Regularly

If you sit all day long or have a sedentary lifestyle, you are more likely to experience bloating and other gastrointestinal issues. One of the most effective ways to maintain good gut health is to exercise on a regular basis. Even going for a 30-minute walk or doing some gentle stretches can do wonders for your digestive system.

Manage Constipation

As most medical professionals say, constipation is the mother of all diseases. It occurs when your stool remains trapped or doesn’t pass naturally, causing excessive gas and waste buildup. If you have chronic constipation, adopt changes in your lifestyle and diet to minimize bloating, pain, and other associated symptoms.

Try Low FODMAPs Diet

Fermentable oligosaccharides, disaccharides, monosaccharides, and polyols, called FODMAPs, are a group of sugars found in many natural foods and additives. They can be difficult to digest for people with digestive issues such as IBS, causing bloating. Limiting the intake of FODMAPs may help decrease the production of gas in your intestines.

Limit Fiber Intake

While we all know the importance of fiber in our diet, too much fiber can negatively impact our gut health. Soluble fibers found in many fruits, vegetables, nuts, lentils, seeds, and oats are fermented in our digestive system, releasing gas. It is best to eat fiber-rich foods in moderation and consume them slowly to avoid bloating.

Try Abdominal Massage

Abdominal massage is an easy remedy that may help release trapped gas in your digestive system. Starting from your right hip bone, gently glide your hands towards the right rib cage in a circular motion. Then, move your hands from your upper belly to your left hip bone, creating a full circle. Repeat this process until bloating is relieved.

To Sum Up

It is possible to reduce bloating with lifestyle changes and home remedies, but it is best to speak to your doctor if the issue persists. You can consult our specialists at Gastroenterology Diagnostic Center for more effective solutions. Call us at (281) 357-1977 for an appointment.

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