The Full Moon in Leo brings a surge of creative energy and flair, with electric aspects and a powerful fixed energy. This is a fire moon; however, we also have a predominance of water energy, leading to heightened emotions and potential clashes.
The Leo moon brings out a sense of sovereignty, regality and strength. The sacred lion /lioness is an ancient being full of dignity, presence and magic. In Egypt, the lioness goddess Sekhmet is the primordial creatrix, and a powerful protector. The lion gods Shu and Tefnut, representing air and moisture, are intrinsic aspects of creation. Dreams of cats or lions are auspicious at this time.
With Venus in Aries, the Divine feminine is feeling a surge of power and independence, with the energy to ignite creative passion. This energy can really catch fire today with the Leo moon, so go with your ideas and begin the process of active manifestation.
The major aspects to the full moon are the Sun Mercury conjunction, and the square to Uranus. Sun Mercury is dominating the week with scintillating insights, and also mental fogginess and overwhelm. Brilliance may be perceived through meditation, when you clear away the clouds of negative thinking. This energy is heightened with the full moon.
The square to Uranus brings a spanner in the works, and sparks could fly with all the heightened energies. We have a lot of fixed energy, with the signs Aquarius, Leo and Taurus all coming into play. This means ego clashes, stubbornness, needing to be right, with potential blocks and stalemates occurring.
If you are making plans, allow extra time, and stay flexible. Expect the unexpected and practise staying centred.
Mars is continuing his retrograde journey in Cancer, and emotions from past situations may come up for processing. An aspect to Saturn in Pisces means this can flow if you decide to let things go. Anger must be released in a continual process of awareness.
The North Node and Neptune in Pisces are bringing a high frequency energy of destined meetings, and soul contracts opening and closing. If things are ending, your soul is telling you it is enough. Your soul knows what is best for you, and will bring in new higher contracts when you decide to let go of attachments. Release it all up to compassion, forgiveness and higher love. Let others be themselves, with love. If you picture everyone as children, each one a wounded child, you may find more compassion and peace.
With the Sun’s transit through Aquarius, radical ideas emerge, with new ways of thinking to solve existing problems. Uranus the great awakener sends inspiration through the sign of fixed air. Intellectual processes are aloof and detached, and need to be translated into humanitarian practices for daily living.
The Moon in Leo reminds you of your unique creativity, and how you can contribute to the whole. What is the you-ness of you, that no-one else has? What is the great masterpiece inside you that only you can paint?
You are the conductor of your own symphony. What is your contribution to humanity? Your soul has its own unique note, that cannot be replicated or replaced.
Honour your creative impulses – to create is Divine. Trust your creativity, trust your inner voice. We must be more human than ever before. The soul gives life to all we do. The rarest of communication networks runs through the ether, and you can train your senses to decipher this, through visions and dreams. This is how the One Life works through all things.
Aquarius is the (hu)man, and Leo is the Lion. May the Divine man emerge, with the noble soul of the Lion. Uranus in Taurus brings the unpredictable element of life, movement and change. When the life force energy flows, it will disrupt all that is stuck and stagnant.
This lunation is about moving beyond ego.
To the Divine Human – the Sovereign Lion – and the moving creation that is Life.
Full Snow Moon 24° Leo on 12 February @13.53 GMT /UT