October’s New Moon solar eclipse takes place on Oct 22, at 10°04 Libra. Mars is in the picture, squaring the eclipsed Sun from the sign of Cancer. Relational dynamics, issues surrounding justice and fairness, and the instinctual actions we take to protect ourselves are all “up” with this lunation.
And, with the Nodes calling the shots (as they do during an eclipse), unusual and shadowy layers are bound to arise.
Cardinal Qualties are active, and within the drive to create is a challenge of divergent styles. Initiations will involve some kind of obscurity. Obscurity, however, does not imply subtlety.
The command of Nodal energies appearing through the signs of Aries and Libra has instigated important relational changes over the last year and a half. The balance of self and other, navigations between inner authority and shared connection, independence, harmony, justice, and personal motivation—these are the pieces that the Nodes have been working, October’s eclipse puts extra weight on these adjustments. The square to Mars in Cancer adds to the likelihood that buttons will be pushed, defenses rattled and riled, and simmering discomfort will begin to boil over.
Other celestial energies at play in October involve all the water in the sky! We have a grand water trine early in the month (featured during the solar eclipse) between Venus, Saturn, and Mars. Trines are known for their flowing energy and are often associated with talent and opportunity. With a grand trine these possibilities come threefold.
Yet October’s grand trine, which opens the flow of watery emotionality, involves some difficult energies.
Scorpio is not Venus’ happy place, Mars is not at his best in Cancer, and Saturn is…well, Saturn. Feels brought by the open roads of this grand trine will likely involve a bit of discomfort. Emotional wounding may come up and, with soft spots exposed, touchy defensiveness could be at an all-time high. The Venus-Moon gate on October 5 constellates within all of this, further emphasizing an important passage through emotional waters.
But hey, it’s eclipse season! Heightened emotional intensity is already in the air, so why not really get into it?
The Aries Full Moon on the 17th, sprouting from the eclipse seeds of the New Moon, is also intense. Here we see the Sun and Moon, Pluto and Mars, in a grand cardinal cross. This configuration brings a tug-of-war between planetary drives and demands. The crested experiences of the Full Moon peak involve being torn in different directions, split between opposing truths, and divided about something we are working to create. With the oh-so-sensitive Moon in the middle of it all, it will be a bit emotionally harrowing.
As if that wasn’t enough, the Venus-Uranus opposition comes into formation just a few days before all of this, an extra indication of turbulence. Shifts in awareness and the possibility for breakthroughs are positive potentials of this aspect. Whatever comes up with the opposition, we are likely to find it intertwined with the Cardinal sign grittiness of the Full Moon.
Check out your horoscope below for our sun sign interpretations of these energies.
Also on the 17th, Venus makes a move from Scorpio to Sagittarius, a shift that’s likely to bring a bit of relief to water-logged processes. Emotional states can uplift and dry off in the optimism of Sag’s fire. However the Uranus-Venus opposition and Full Moon turned out, we will now find a different orientation of Venus energy.
Yet, of course, the Sun’s annual passage through Scorpio (beginning the 22nd) tells us we’re not done with the deepening and emotional plundering. Mercury is here too, from the 13th through Nov 2 and mental processes get a bit more controlled and calculated.
Fall is here and the growing reality of atmospheric darkness lends to the awakening of inner worlds. The quiet of hidden energies becomes felt in unusual ways as the Nodes churn processes beneath the surface, enhancing the spook and mystery of the season.
October 2024 Key Dates
Oct 2 – Solar Eclipse, 10°04 Libra
Oct 5 – Venus-Moon Gate
Oct 6 – Mercury square Mars
Oct 9 – Jupiter stations retrograde, 21°20’ Gemini
Oct 12 – Pluto stations direct, 29°38 Capricorn
Oct 13 – Mercury enters Scorpio
Oct 14 – Venus opposite Uranus
Oct 16 – Venus trine Neptune
Oct 17 – Full Moon in Aries, 24°34’
Oct 17 – Venus enters Sagittarius
Oct 22 – Sun enters Scorpio
Oct 28 – Venus square Saturn
OCTOBER Horoscopes
When you have an eclipse in your sign, you know important events are bound to happen. As the Aries-Libra eclipses have been in play since 2023 (and don’t let up til next spring), you, dear Libra, are in the midst of a big process that’s been working on you for a while.
October’s eclipse triggers some more to work with—particularly how you hold yourself in relationship. Remember, a strong center leads to healthy communion with others.
The Full Moon will likely be a biggie for you. You may find strife around career goals or major things to work out in personal relationships.
You are no stranger to intense emotional undercurrents. In fact, you probably consider yourself a master of these dimensions. In October, with Venus and Mercury traveling through your sign, these aspects of your Scorpionic powers get supercharged.
Birthdays drum up a variety of internal processes and, with your upcoming birthday coming on the heels of big eclipse moments, signs of a reset are all around. Big endings and other important releases come over the next 6 months.
As Mars marches through Cancer, expect to find yourself focused on big-picture questions related to protection and preservation. Major philosophical considerations intertwine with these deliberations.
Solar eclipse resets involve how you find yourself amongst a group of like-minded people. Perhaps you already have a supportive network, an amazing tribe or circle of friends, or, perhaps, what you once had has changed over the last couple of years. At any rate, eclipse adjustments in this area are in the works for Sagittarians.
There’s something about the give-and-take you find with others that is threaded into the resets of October. Creativity can be complicated by the need to have your artistic expressions received by others. Steps into generative processes may be challenging, yet within it all is an important chance to get a juicy view of your subconscious workings.
With much of October’s action taking place in cardinal signs, this month should bring important pieces into view.
While these issues have probably been up for a while, October brings a new piece into the mix. All the big stuff—career, relationship, home and family—is folded into these navigations. And, with Mars on a long, slow trek through Cancer, interpersonal dynamics are definitely up for Capricorns.
Expect to put a lot of energy into creating a safe space for connection over the next several months.
This month triggers some changes in perspective. I don’t know exactly what all this looks like for you Aquarius, but definitely try to keep it as high vibe as possible (while feeling what you need to feel and allowing things to arise).
Financial empowerment involves daily commitments and, this month in particular, routine practices can either clear or amplify unconscious garbage. Make your decisions wisely.
With an eclipse in your sign, last month brought lots of self-examination for Pisces-folk. October will stretch you a bit more as you’re called to take a look at the type of support you receive from your closest relationships. How do you invest yourself in others? As a boundless, and often boundary-less creature, you tend to have some blind spots when it comes to noticing some of the finer points of energetic exchanges.
Expect this month to bring the realities of your energy investments into view.
Home life is charged up these days! Are you remodeling? Focused on family? Or perhaps you are in the midst of an internal deep dive, feeling into the experience of home you carry deep within yourself. Whichever of these scenarios is in play, it appears that you are busy creating realities to support and protect something very dear to your heart.
Tied into all of this are relational navigations spurred along by October’s intensity. You’re in a position to claim something of yourself. Let things arise as they need to. You’ll have more energy to create what you want if you let go of resistance.
October directs your energy toward important communications. Emotions need to be talked about and relational issues require addressing. Additionally, you’re likely to be wrangling with the balance between daily affairs and your needs for self-care.
The Venus-Uranus opposition on the 14th could bring upsets or surprises, particularly for Taurus babes. And under the spicy Full Moon-light a few days later, you may find a big reevaluation about yourself or another.
October’s solar eclipse points to a new beginning involving your creative output. It delivers the opportunity to let go of your own perceived limitations involving your inspired gifts. You may even discover ways your playful nature can be used to generate an additional stream of income.
While you’ll likely feel the initial stirrings of inspiration in the early days of the month, expect this awakening to continue throughout the rest of the year and into the spring, where the seeds of this eclipse receive important infusions.
Hey Moon-child! Are you ready for the second half of eclipse season? The Libra-Aries eclipses have been drumming up changes in your home and career since the spring of 2023. Many of these transitions are already well underway and October’s eclipse pulls these processes along, initiating new developments that arise over the next 6 months.
Relational navigations are not separate from these major moments of your eclipse events. You’ll likely encounter scenarios where you find yourself caught between your need for independence and your desire for cooperation.
October calls you to take a closer look at your communication, Leo. You may find yourself (or someone else) surprised by what you have to say. The subtext is loud this month.
With Mars lighting up a hidden area of your chart, you can expect to have personal shadows brought into the open. The good news is that a fresh look at subconscious realities can support you to clear and reset in important ways.
You may feel your faith is tested this month, but an honest purview of things should help you see how changes in routine aspects of your life are necessary for the growth and maturity you’re being called to embrace.
Virgos have an opportunity to step into a new level of financial empowerment this month. However, you’ll likely have to let go of something as you move towards this possibility.
Friends, partners, and other associations take considerable time and energy this month. You may find intense communications in your relationships. As you work to turn your dreams into reality, you’ll find you need the right people around you—as well as specific protections to keep hostile energies at bay.