The Heavens Are Aflutter & Atwitter – Anne Ortelee Astrology

Note: This newsletter went out to my mailing list on May 21st. If you’re not yet a subscriber, please sign up here for early access to my articles classes! You can purchase recordings of the recent Jupiter in Gemini and Venus Star Point webinars, or register here for the Gemini New Moon Manifestation Circle Webinar on Wednesday, June 5.

Dear friends,

Gemini Season is upon us, and it’s shaping up to be a PARTICULARLY juicy and exciting one, with lots of big cosmic adventures ahead . . . enough of them, in fact, that I felt the need to schedule not one, not even two, but three (!!!) Gemini-themed webinars in the next couple weeks.

First up is Jupiter’s Journey in Gemini. In this webinar, happening tonight, Tuesday, May 21st at 7:30 PM Eastern US time, we’ll explore the Sky King’s upcoming thirteen-month transit through the sign of the twins, which occurs just once in 12 years. Jupiter will enter Gemini on Saturday, May 25th and remain there till June 9, 2025; the last time he traveled through this part of the Zodiac was in 2012 and 2013.

So we can all expect a recurrence of themes from that period in our life. During the class, I’ll go through some prior Jupiter-in-Gemini moments in history, and show you how to figure out exactly what area of YOUR natal chart will be stimulated by the Planet of Abundance and Expansion.

We’ll also talk through Jupiter-in-Gemini’s three upcoming squares to Saturn-in-Pisces . . . all of which hearken back to the Jupiter-Saturn conjunction of December 20, 2020. The story that we initiated then is encountering its first big tests!

The second webinar in the series takes place next week, on Friday, May 31st at 7:30 PM Eastern US time, when I’ll be teaching about the Gemini Venus Star Point that’s coming up on June 4, 2024, when the Sun and Venus at 14 degrees Gemini in a cazimi position.

If you haven’t heard about Venus Star Points before, they are delightful! (For my understanding of them, I’m indebted to the work of my friend and colleague Arielle Guttman — whose book on the subject I highly recommend.) Venus Star Points set off four- and eight-year cycles around creativity, love, and desire, and once again, I’ll help you figure out how this one lands in your own chart and life.

Last but not least, our regular monthly New Moon Manifestation Circle webinar has its next iteration on Wednesday, June 5th. The Sun and Moon will meet up in (what else?) Gemini the following day, Thursday, June 6, 2024; and this one is of course an extra powerful New Moon because of its proximity to both Jupiter and Venus.

Gemini is playful, flirty, frisky, fun, and innovative. Consider this your cosmic invitation to create.

I hope to see you in class!

Big hugs,


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