When it comes to hair loss and thinning, finding solutions that actually deliver results can be a frustrating challenge. In a recent survey of more than 700 NewBeauty readers,* we got a revealing look behind the curtain at the supplement routines of beauty enthusiasts. Among multivitamins, collagen supplements and probiotics, one particular product stood out as especially popular among the over-50 demographic: Nutrafol. Here’s what real users had to say about their experiences with this hair-growth solution.
The Results
For many women dealing with age-related hair thinning, Nutrafol has become a game-changer. A 60-year-old female reader reported, “I started using Nutrafol after I experienced my hair thinning. Within a few weeks of taking it, I noticed much less shedding.”
This wasn’t an isolated experience. Another reader, a 56-year-old who has been using the product for two years, confirmed, “I definitely see an increase in hair growth and decrease in hair shedding.”
The results appear to be consistent enough that users notice when they stop taking the supplement. “I have stopped using Nutrafol in the past and I can tell the difference in my hair within a few weeks. I will take it indefinitely,” shared a 54-year-old female reader, highlighting the supplement’s ongoing benefits.
Beyond Age-Related Thinning
What’s particularly interesting is how Nutrafol appears to address hair concerns related to health conditions. A 52-year-old female reader with thyroid issues noted, “Nutrafol is really good. I have a thyroid issue and this has helped me with my hair.”
The enthusiasm for the product is summed up well by a 51-year-old reader who kept her endorsement simple but powerful: “Nutrafol made a noticeable difference in hair growth. Highly recommend.”
The Considerations
While the positive feedback is compelling, our survey also revealed some considerations potential users should keep in mind. “These are expensive and can be difficult to afford monthly,” admitted a 45-year-old reader, highlighting the investment required.
The supplement regimen itself can also be demanding. “I’m not sure it works. Also, 4 pills a day is too many,” shared a 44-year-old reader who found the daily commitment challenging.
The Bottom Line
Based on our survey results, Nutrafol appears to be making a significant difference for many women over 40 who are dealing with hair thinning concerns. While the price point and pill regimen may present obstacles for some, the consistent positive feedback from long-term users suggests this supplement might be worth considering if you’re struggling with hair loss or thinning, especially for those in their 50s and beyond.
*Source: BeautyEngine Advanced Research, 2024