User Posts: Adam Riemer
Website Pages Don’t Need to Explain What Something Is

There is a common belief that SEO friendly content pages should explain what something is.  This stems from SEO rumors like needing to use “people also ...

How Niche Sites Thrive Without Google & Make Money

Over the last few months multiple travel, sports, and other niche owners have reached out because Google wiped their traffic. This post isn’t about the ...

Why Google SEO Traffic is More Appealing Than Social Media

When a company loses SEO traffic, you hear they are dying or got decimated; when it is organic social media you hear about taking a dive or a hit.  SEO ...

An Easy Explanation of Entities and SEO

Have you ever wondered why a page that doesn’t list a keyword phrase on the page, in their title tag, or in the URL ranks for a big phrase?  It is ...

DR & DA Aren’t a Google Factor for SEO

I was asked to write this post about 8 or 9 months ago for a conference blog, but they never published it so I decided to publish here.  It is in ...

How to Migrate a URL to a New Domain for SEO

I’ve had the unique experience of making full URL and brand migrations for multiple companies (including nine figure ones).  The larger ones are ...

The Purpose of 301 Redirects & Canonical Links for SEO

Canonical links and 301 redirects are both important for SEO, and each serves very different purposes.  They should both be used in specific ...

Affiliate Links are Backlinks for SEO, But Bad Ones.

Yes, affiliate links are backlinks and they can work for or against you when it comes to SEO.  This is because they are a link from one site to your ...

Shopify SEO Case Study – Ranking Above Retailers & Going DTC

Please note that we’ve made sure the client is not mentioned on the website to keep their identity anonymous per the client’s request. The Issue The ...

2 Niches That Boom in January & Have Little Competition

January is one of the months that is primed for entrepreneurs as there are industries with substantial demand and room for new players to move in.  I’m ...

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