Antoinette Lattouf v ABC LIVE updates: Chris Oliver-Taylor to appear

Acting-editorial director Simon Melkman told Oliver-Taylor it would be worth “treading carefully” over any disciplinary action.

Melkman pointed out that “in the event you’re inclined to pursue discipline reaction and cut her contract short […] which, for the reasons mentioned above, I don’t think would be warranted, it would be worth looping in P&C”, Fagir says, reading from an email sent by Melkman.

“To be honest I’m not sure how much of the process is needed when someone’s on a short-term contract, but P&C can advise,” he continues reading from the email.

Asked if he consulted People and Culture, Oliver-Taylor insists this email was instead written to Steve Ahern, and that he expected Ahern was “checking with the right people”.

And with that question, the court has adjourned for a short break.

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