This Placement of Donald Trump’s Mug Shot Speaks Volumes – RedState

Whatever anyone thinks of President Donald Trump, they have to admit he’s carved out his place in history. Not only is he the first American president to win a second non-consecutive term since Grover Cleveland, but President Cleveland didn’t have to overcome all Donald Trump did to win that term. Grover Cleveland didn’t have to face a universally hostile corporate media, multiple rounds of baseless lawfare, being booked and having a (now famous) mugshot taken, and even surviving two assassination attempts.

Donald Trump’s been through all of those, and he won despite the efforts of the left to take him out — and he won decisively.

Now, perhaps in a backhanded brag, President Trump is counting coup by keeping the famous New York Post front page displaying his mugshot in a frame just outside the Oval Office.

I mean, honestly, can you blame the guy?

That, folks, is how you troll. President Trump has accelerated the Starship Trump to Troll Factor Eight. Reactions on X have been spirited.

Of course, this is the Trump we see now — Time Magazine’s Person of the Year, no less.

As I’ve written and said many times, this has to be one of the greatest political comebacks in the history of the republic. Plenty of us wondered if he could pull it off — anyone could be forgiven for thinking that, given everything stacked against him, no living human could turn this around, could overcome the hate of the legacy media, of virtually all of the nation’s academia, of the coastal elites, of most of Hollywood, of entrenched bureaucrats and blue-jurisdiction DAs and judges.

But Donald Trump did it.

He took the best efforts of the wielders of lawfare, and he won.

He took the best efforts of the Democrat machine, who put the most “progressive” (socialist) candidate in their history up against him, and he won.

He took the opprobrium from the legacy media, the talking heads of the liberal chattering class, those who slobbered over him until 2015, then turned on him in rage, and he won.

He took a bullet, and he won.

Now he’s in the Oval Office, doing what the voters sent him there to do, and he keeps his mugshot outside the office as a trophy.

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It’s a suitable trophy. As my grandfather was fond of observing, when you’re flat on your butt, the only way you can face is up, and that mugshot had to be a low moment. At some point, you have to think some doubt must have entered Donald Trump’s mind — “Am I going to be able to pull this off?”

He did. He won. Now, he’s working on setting our national government to rights, as he was elected to do. There’s still a lot to be done; the national debt is an existential crisis that has to be addressed yesterday, but, of course, the first thing to do when you’re in a hole is to stop digging, and Elon Musk’s DOGE is on that.

We’ve seen history made. We’ll be seeing more, I expect. President Trump has three years and 11 months to go.

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